I'm sure where I should ask this but I seem to have accidentally merged my Blizzard Account with my dads Wowhead Account a while ago, I'm not sure if I can get that fixed or not but it would be much appreciated if it could be :)
Unattainable filter does not appear to work. I clicked not collected and unattainable and the first mount it shows is the Antoran Charhound which definitely still drops. There is no way to select only the unattainable filter, in case it's an OR rather than an AND filter.Antoran Charhound
Some mounts like the Ruby Panther show under the promotion filter. Also island expedition mounts show up on random filters.
It won't load my toons.
The collection tools are meant to show the same counts and categories as the in-game collections window. A lot of the data for our tool comes straight from that in-game data so you can easily compare to what you see in-game.
Ahh-- so there's no way to show ONLY currently unobtainable mounts. That feels weird, but OK.
I miss the feature where we could see our "top 10 rarest mounts". It would be great to have something like this again that lets you sort the list of mounts (obtained and not yet obtained ideally) by rarity in descending order.This can help surface which mounts in theory should be easier to get to help boost your total mount count, while also providing a nice vanity/ego boost for when you do obtain a rarer mount.
Why does it say i can still obtain the violet spellwing?
I understand you have the tracker set up to mirror the in-game data; however, is there any way to add additional filters for those who want to narrow their selection further? Right now the "Vendor" option shows all vendors, PvE and Pvp. I don't participate in PvP. Ever. Those mounts may as well be unattainable for me.
stil shows the brawler mushan under the obtainable tag while it has been gone from the vendor for a long time