I'm more an observer on this sub than a contributor, but I have noticed a decline in potion prices since tools of the trade came out. Last night picked up 40 int pots at about 160g each, when they typically sat around 400g before the item came out. Of course this is anecdotal, and I also bought the potions at a prime time (they're now back to up to around 250g each, and I expect they'll go higher as folks start raiding tonight).
The interesting thing to me is that on my server,
Siren's Pollen is currently selling at 19.44g each, and
Riverbud is at 17.94g each. Raw mats values these potions at 337.92g, and factoring in your findings of 1.767 proc rate, that values each potion around 191.24g So if pots are around 25g each right now, that gives each potion a 59g/potion profit. Probably the first time I've ran the numbers and actually seen alchemy being profitable.