unfortunately alliance famed conq has been broken for a while and only the original 20 people to kill it in a guild can use the title.
Almost as if Alliance lacks a raiding scene.Guilds like Method transfer for small advantages, guilds wanting to replicate success follow them, guilds who want to start raiding follow those guilds, because people who want to raid are also following those guildsOne bye one, domino effect until one side lacks a competitive raiding scene.
Should be called Hall of Shame, since it only show how biased Blizz is, for not caring in fix this situation.Also, the Horde should not be penalized for the Alliance's delay, they should have the Cross Realm Mythic enabled once their Hall of Fame is complete.Instead of penanilizing one side, they should've be trying to fix the side that's suffering.Geez! It's not a surprise this game is sinking into the abyss, the team responsible for game systems of WoW are utterly incompetent.
Unfortunately the alliance has no real incentive on the raiding scene and this has been going on for a while now, Blizzard should really try to fix this :/
How on earth do they fix this? 15 guilds... I have only ever played Alliance and this makes me sad if I ever wanted pursue mythic prog again. I got CE Guldan and Argus in legion but I haven’t been able to make my guilds raid times this xpac and they are only 5/9...
Don't think there is any solution. The damage is done. If they nerf Horde racials, it'll just swing the same problem in The Alliances favor.If they nerf all racials, then no one would swap Alliance, because it would be even less worth the money.We don't have the numbers. We can only go on number of 120s per realm. And right now its a 70% Horde 30% Alliance.
Wait.. raiderio says only 90 guilds have cleared 9/9 but blizzard site says 115+ total have cleared? (100+ horde/15 ally)raiderio isnt updating properly or something?Also nerfing horde racials isnt going to fix the imbalance. People are transfering to horde not because of racials, but because there is a bigger pool of players and guilds to choose from for raiding. One faction will always have a imbalance, I think these achievements is the right direction to try and balance the two out (hoping horde players who want the title but couldnt would transfer over to alliance).
The only way for Blizzard to "fix" this balance issue is to either make the Horde unplayable or give the Alliance a massive carrot (which they more or less did with the quest: Against Overwhelming Odds, and look how that went.)It's impossible to make the factions even without making it unfair for one of them. Their best hope is to just make unique stuff on both sides and hope that unique item X is interesting enough to make people change.
I think the best way is to (temporarily) remove the faction transfer fee just for Horde -> Alliance. I'm sure there are plenty of horde guilds in the 1-200 ranks who would be willing to transfer for a shot at hall of fame or a better ranking if the financial costs wouldn't cause them to lose raid members.
Even if there's no racials, the alliance will still lag behind because its community. Horde have serious hardcore players while most of the alliance playerbase enjoy the game in casual manner.
considering only the first 3 bosses are faction specific, the disparity between factions on this raid is not due to racials.
It's a comunnity issue. Domino effect. I think that's why alliance got better allied races, but it will change nothing, it's too late. Still I love the Alliance and their races.I don't like the idea of removing factions, it's the main core of the warcraft universe.
"While Horde has now completed their Top 100 kills worldwide, the Alliance only have 15 entries in their Hall of Fame."Speaks volume really.