They should bring back a Talent Point system to replace Azerite/Artifacts in the future. Sure it was cookie cutter in the past but with everything they've learned and experimented, they could come up with something amazing with Talents that heavily compete with each other. So you can tweak your Class further in a way that fits your playing style.
Oh, god, I hate "old" rare spawns.Rarity + interesting unique drops just leads to "gameplay" based around camping spawn points. I much rather the Argus style where a rare might not be up 100% of the time but the rares are on a cycle and for X hours a day the rare you want is a common WQ-style spawn. Or Darkshore/Arathi rares.At the very least, the Many-Faced Devourer, where you can find rare items that force a spawn for you once a day, would be better than 72 hour spawn timer rares.There are ways to make it fun without making it annoying.
It's odd that he answers so many questions with a "They are looking at this" rather than "We are looking at this".It's almost as if he's detached from the development team.
I think they should do something for crafting similar to the PvP conquest schedule. You have 1 piece that you can grind towards for the week. You bring materials to an NPC during the week until you fill your bar. They then give you the item and teach you the recipe to craft it again. Allowing you to grind to a specific reward on par with normal raid gear every week until you have your full set. Then it flips over and starts teaching you heroic level rewards, same as Conquest flips after week 8.
> Agree with the criticism; treasure was better in Warlords of Draenor, although there were some issues with finding a single pixel that was a ring at the bottom of a riverbed, but it was a better system that they'd like to move back to. That would be fantastic. Treasures in Draenor actively served as a world-building tool and were very fun to hunt for.
Lost me after the first answer. That's just not serious.
You know, I usually avoid commenting on these things but...Silvermoon and Exodar were added in BC. Since they were added or saw any major updates, we have defeated the Legion. Both cities have had major lore events in them that should have altered things dramatically, like the loss of a naaru and building an entire spaceship on one faction and the Divine Bell and Purge of Dalaran on the other.It's been more than ten years since they were added and now we have new species joining them (Lightforged and Nightborne) and the loss of others (Void Elves) which should have had impact on those cities.It's really difficult to see why this wouldn't be considered content worth revisting by now.But this interview essentially highlights why: because the development time spent on updating and polishing those cities - even if only to remove the most glaring anachronisms and update them to feel like they're somewhat modernized - would be considered "stolen" by some subsets of the player base.It's just gotten to a point it's disappointing. The amount of development time spent updating the world in Cataclysm is not what I'd consider to be wasted or what "ruined" the expansion unless the only metric of expansion success for Blizzard has become "how many subs can we keep active". When something like a zone update is already explored extensively on PTR and "boring" within a week on live, I suppose a metric like that DOES makes it seem like a waste.
No new Warfronts is disappointing. I'm now afraid they're going to leave the system "unfinished" in the sense that the original non-allied races won't all get a full arsenal of thematic weapons and armor. Heritage armor is cool, but I really like having the variety of a set for each weight class of gear and a wide variety of matching weapons, since there's no such thing as heritage weapons.