Holy light looks better than that now. The light effects were updated.
Those are so pretty!
Nooo! changes! I hate new things!
How did Freedom and Protection change? Looks exactly the same as on live?
Big fan of that Holy Light change. :)
Holy Shock and Lay on Hands changed too, there's a video from a youtuber named Selwen showing all the new animations and they were includedhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGuE3X5Qkd8 around 00:50 and 1:05
Sweet beans in a can IT'S A FOOKIN' BOOK.
The book appears and disappears very suddenly for blessings. Even if it only flashes like that for a bit, perhaps it could fade in and out. Or maybe that\s just me being picky
The Beacon spells look AWESOME. The fact that they're actual sources of light is amazing.
YEESS! Finally! The book! :D :D I has been waiting from this since 2004 xD
The book is really well done but with the addition of new "other" kind of paladin ( like Tauren or Zandalari ) id prefer more "neutral" animations. A zandalari calling for his/her Loa with a book is kinda weird. Just the light might have been better
Will the light on the beacons be visible to other players or just the paladin?
Paladin healer new macro: "TURN ON THE LIGHTS" !
Glad they readded that book animation.