three threads sum up the community opinions quite well, I believe. Liking the new mastery (a huge improvement over Legion), however, the mobility and engaging/entertaining feel compared to other classes is definitely lacking. Wouldn't mind seeing the blessings act similar to other class buffs now, as well. Loved helping out new players and placing buffs on them like we were able to back in the day.
Always the paladin ret lower the damage and increases the cd. Now, with the sentence that does not last more than 1 blow and does not bounce against the other enemy, the seal and the aura are like nothing and the changes made do not convince much.In the other side, we have fury warrior, rouge and warlock that make a lot of damage and nothing of down his damage and increased the cd. And still so, they want to all make pvp, how ironic.Maybe one day, the damage will be balance but I dont think so.
I miss the Blessing of Might, the aura in the ret paladin, the seal like in other expansions.
The Aoe feels quite terrible right now =( i often just switch over to prot if i want to do anything that involves aoe
I don't get the complaints over mobility. If you want more mobility, and less healing and defensives, why play a Paladin?
I know there has been plenty of discussion about Retribution Paladins "Retribution" passive. Y'all say to remove the damage proportion, but considering that's what everyone (that I know of) likes about the class-specific passive, I'd say if that passive is removed, what can replace it?
Personally, I’m loving where we’re at. I’ve played Paladin since 2006 and can think of few times where I could evenly fight with a rogue, or more recently a DH but I’ve skirmished against both this past week along with fury warr and an ice mage. Winning 1v1s again ( without needing bubble or loh) is quite nice 😁
@Power200 Agree with you on the AoE, leveled half ret/other half prot on the beta and prot seems to be way better overall for AoE/questing in general. However, when I was leveling ret, the Kiljaeden trinket was amazing for burning down packs of mobs and complimented ret nicely.
I really enjoy the way the spec plays now, my only issue is the lack of cleave now that Judgement doesn't jump. Other than that I enjoy it.
Not happy about the reduction down to 10s. A consistent passive for a full fight would be more ideal, but I definitely do not agree with the “hoping raid members die” comment. I hate wipes at ~1%. If my allies start dropping then give me all the buffs. Let the bubbles try to rally the raid to a kill. No other class brings the bubble.
So from a design point of view, I am happy to see paladin's mastery once again revolve around holy power and not specifically judgement, I never liked that change and it felt too restrictive. I absolutely 100% disagree with the view point that Retribution Aura needs to be reduced to defensive or done away with. This is something I feel pretty damn strongly about as well. IF you NEED to rely on a DPS boost from someone dying just to min-max your class then sorry but you should seriously take some time off away from wow, that is called being wayyyyy too extreme in efficiency. The point of the buff isn't to say, ok well Bob needs that extra bit of dps so Fred the hunter has to die to give him the extra you flipping tards, that isn't how you raid and if you or other Ret pallys HAVE been doing that you need to reexamine your playstyle and your ability to even play the game. Just because the ability is there doesn't mean you HAVE to have it active to be at max potential. You guys make it sound like ok, well if we can't use it without killing off a raid member then we shouldn't have it period, no no no no, you got it completely backward. The point of the ability is kind of like a last stand to make up for a raid member falling. To wield the light to enact justice. Do you think Tirion getting frozen by the LK during that fight just went...oh well guess I will ask the light to spare me and give me extra defenses? Hell no he didn't he asked the light to grant him the ability to exceed his max potential, to output 120% even if briefly. THAT is the essence of being a ret pally and to those who disagree guess aren't really ret paladins.I'm sorry but I agree with Blizz on this matter, Retribution should always grant a healing and damage buff to compensate for a fallen team member. It is not universally disliked, let's get one thing clear here, it is universally disliked among ret players in the top elite guilds and raid groups, which account for 5% of players. Everyone else has no issue with it, why? Normal ret players don't go and sacrifice their team mates just for a tiny bit more DPS. The trade off for what the dying raid member could provide isn't worth it, this is just greedy elitist ret pallys doing this.
I genuinely hope Inquisition is never viable during BFA raiding, its just a holy power sink every 45 secs that makes numbers bigger. Extremely boring ability that was removed in wod for a reason
I have been maining a shadow priest in legion, but most likely now change to paladin, the dps out put on a paladin is way better than shadow priest now, and game play feels way smoother also.
I appreciate Inquisition being a talent. I personally dislike the "mantainance buff" playstyle.The increase in downtime worries me, as well as being less attractive than warriors and demon hunters for raiding.I'll still main my ret though, I'm really fond of him.
Also:Avenging Wrath dont reset there Cooldown after a Bossresett or Bosskill.