Good to see the network growing.
FFXIV is certainly something on my radar. Very ballsy move to pull the game and revamp it from the bottom up, and I am very keen to see what they've done with it. Good to have a trusty resource then ;)
Excellent! I'm looking forward to starting FFXIV in about half an hour. XIVDB is already established as the place to go for game data and tooltips for people's sites so it's great to see it folded into Zam.
Pfft. WoW is all that matters people! :P
Could use a Runescape wowhead type of website guys, ever since EOC finding the right thing to pwn is a bit complicated and i have to check rune wiki for all my answers 100% of the time,P.S.- 5.4 trailer FTW!
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.