Awesome as always Argent, I love it. Also the length you have on it is much better :)A good read too.Yes,yes I know Limbero it required a long explanation and my post was poorly written it is left there as a memento to my poor grammar. I mean that the length of the explanations is appropriate :p there limbero.
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
Flame Leviathan required long explanation. Only Thorim and Yogg-Saron may match it, and I doubt about Thorim...
"Champion of Ulduar - Defeat the Flame Leviathan on your first try for this lock-out period, without anyone in the raid dying. If you are careful with the blue fires, nobody should be dying."
Where did I get that left side from...**Note to self: Proof read.EDIT: Read the note to self...
Mmhmm...Way to copy blindly.
Devouring Flame can do zero damage during Razorscale's air phase. While the fireball homes in on its target and is utterly unavoidable, the Devouring Flame hits where the target was standing when it was cast. If you move away from that spot before it hits, you won't take damage at all. If you have Razor targeted/focused, and have target of target/ target of focus visible through the base ui or mods, you can see who she targets and have them move out of the way accordingly.
Awesome!These are great guides. Please keep them coming.
you have to fight through flame leviathan to get to razorscale, right?
EPIC NECRO.... this is well over a year could claim that this is a relevant question, but there are SO many places to get your here, here, and here. Google is your friend, use her.