I wonder if we'll just suddenly end the threat of the restless scourge out of the blue, or if there's gonna be an off-screen battle vs the scourge all throghout shadowlands.
Interesting. I wonder how good these will be
No Deathbringer's will redux ? Missed opportunity
Rehashed models/appearences too or new ones I wonder?
Do we know what is the equivalent of those ilvl 100 in today's ilvl?
Kinda hoping to get some missing set pieces, like the black and yellow Scourge stalker helm. Still time for it to be added.
Blue warrior tier 10 would be amazing (like what Muradin has)
The ilvl of Normal Nyalotha is 100 right on the Shadowlands beta? So matches Shadowlands pre-patch. This was consistent with BfA I think which gave pre-patch gear at Normal Antorus level.
Dang, I was really hoping the 9.0 catch-up gear would be ilvl 115 like the Heroic Nya gear. Time to start grinding out some upgrades for my alts.
Too much loot for just a scenario,high possibility (if these items are going to be added and not just changed to something else) that it will be a raid of us going inside ICC or other dungeons with a full raid or group
Level 30 in SL is Level 80 in current retail, so that's the Wrath max level. Strange. It's almost like they just copy/pasted that straight over from Wrath with the level squish, naming aside. I assume this means the level squish will occur with pre-patch?
The mog completionist in me is screaming at the amount of transmog. Yeah I’m going to be playing alot of alts during pre-patch.
I'm guessing there won't be any unique or exclusive mog from this and it'll just be ICC models/colors?
these are more likely updated versions for ICC, Forge of Souls etc at level 30. much of the loot in beta is still out of whack with the new levelling
RIP =( No mount datamined so far unfortunately.