I wonder if Sylvanas wants to kill and resurrect N'zoth
The End of Factions?Everyone has a take on Jaina telling Thrall the Alliance and Horde can work together, so here is ours.This is not first time Alliance and Horde work together. Where did "The End of Factions" come? From a youtuber.
Sylvanas endgame:Armor forged of Edgy teens
Y'all will see when alleria becomes the prime evil and dadgeras comes to save us from rehab with illiboi
Jaina isn't "mad," she behaves the way any rational but traumatized (by the destruction of Theramore) person would. And clearly she feels guilt (as she should) over what she did to the Sunreavers.I'm glad that Blizz addressed this.Personally, I wish they would quit the faction war stuff, but I consider it unlikely. Not least because the fanbase would complain, regardless of how much it made sense or was compelling story-wise or game mechanics wise (my pipe dream is being able to play any race in any faction, like in ESO).
Well, at least the answers about Azshara and the final boss of BfA will be revealed on the 9th. The purpose of the fight is described on the raid journal, but the outcome is unknown.
Can't wait for patch 8.3
End of factions.. Sure.. Only after we get back the whole of Lordearon :D...i don't think so.
War between Horde and Alliance was relevant in Warcraft 1, 2 and WoW Vanilla. Not anymore.Both facctions working together to save azeroth always worked better then when they are just killing each other. XDCan't see the end of facctions, but for many times we can see they just want live in peace, co-existing.That scenario from Legion with the two raids working together was awesome.I wonder if we could have a raid or DG with both facctions. It would be nice.("oh, but the trolls will ruin the group..." well, thats why we can kick ppl from groups)No idea what Sylvanas wants. But I don't see her like a villain or evil. Maybe she is doing all of this just to protect the Horde and Azeroth for something bigger...? I hate Nathanos. Not Sylvanas. <3If she is dealing with some old god... Alleria will knew about it.Anyway, can' t wait to fight Azshara.And Katherine will not be happy to see her daugther helping the Horde again.And Derek? He will try to kill one of the Proudmore? As a fan of War3, I'm happy to see Jaina and Thrall back, and I hope they could work together again at some point, just like they worked to protect the mount hyjal or save Hellscream from the blood curse.I'm liking the WoW`s lore a lot again, since Legion.Can't wait to be disappointed, just like after MoP, during WoD xpac. lol
I liked the way factions worked in EQ2, I say worked, but it's still breathing. Just goes to show all the people saying WoW is dying, umm have you seen EQ2 lately? For those unfamiliar you had 2 alignments evil or good technically 3 with exile. The game was NOT built with pvp in mind however. You had exclusive races to either side and a few exclusive subclasses, with a similar subclass with opposite themes on each side, aka a paladin vs a shadowknight or a conjurer vs a necromancer. There was an npc in your capitals that would start the betrayal questline, and unlike other npcs he'd not have a quest marker above his head you had to maneuver through his conversation to start it. Once you betray you become an exile and exiles have their own hideout because they are now kill on sight by both sides' guards. Then you complete a citizenship quest for other side and join whatever city you want or stay an exile for rp purposes. Most quests are completable by anyone from either side but if you venture into enemy territory you have to dodge guards to do your quests there, most vendors will not do business with traitors or enemies. Essentially you are a free citizen allowed to do whatever though, so you can freely group up and dungeon and raid with players from the other side and you can quest with them, join the same guilds etc.
Wowhead starts be as bad as reddit these days
Yeah but she made that pact with Helya a death god, and there's all that stuff about her being the enemy of the void like in the sisters comic, it would suit everything and would be pretty cool.