I mean, he could have waited until he had killed the final boss. Just saying.
It's a permanent buff, but one that does not come from a weapon, shirt, tabard or item, so it's the same for all past and future buffs with how it is programmed.If you collect something external and it gives a buff, that external object is not on your person, so the buff can be removed.On the flip side, if you collect something that gives a permanent buff and it puts an item in your inventory or on your person, you cannot remove the buff without removing the item.
Should we start a Layer 8 "Soul-less" Torghast challenge then?Assuming you have at least 10 souls, is that really enough to make or break a final boss?
That's an oops.
my hands was shaking to try to click it off just at floor 5, i did, it was at release, first week.
He could have tried right clicking it at one stack to test if it could be removed or not rather than testing it at a point where it could have screwed up his run to lose the buff. Survival of the fittest, I guess.
This is something WoW really is over-due for making a visual distinction for.Show which buffs can be removed, and which can't.
clicking off that buff in no way shape or form would kill a run. it's stat increase, even by floor 6 of a run is so miniscule compared the anima powers you acquire by that point. Especially for those of us who had no issue clearing a layer 6-8 of each wing before the major Torghast nerfs..