Skeleton Female - Cat FormNaga Male - Cat Form Gilnean Female - Horns...what?
waiting for you guys to stream some datamining with the new alpha patch XD
I did not want to see more Paragon reputations..*Sighs*That is if they plan to put toys and mounts in them again.
Naga and Skeletal Druids confirmed!
So RIP Tyrande?
Ice Troll? Naga? New allied races confirmed? :<
VioletNaga Male - Cat FormNEW Crow- Flight FormNEW LunarwingSkeleton Female - Flight FormNEW Humble FlyerNaga Male - Flight FormWTF so many NAGA DRUID FORMS for players? wait do we unlock naga themed druid forms or do we get naga with druid class WIT?
Well those look promising.
naga druids...
Naga, Skeleton, Ice Troll are all placeholder names in the files, they have been in the "Character Races" database for a long time.
Ice Trolls are NOT that surprising.If you look at all the Darkspear Troll Custom stuff and the Blizz Con Preview (which had Sand Trolls, Dark Trolls and ..some other Trolls)Ice Trolls are just a given (Same with Forrest Trolls!)Naga..and Skeleton Forms?And Worgen Horns?..what the that IS a surprise
Excuse me wtf ?
Tauren Headdresses as a customization option Oh yeah baby cows are getting a lot of love in this build.
the wild hunt? in warcraft? ok this is epic
I loved the new male worgen skins!Sadly only one face worked with them.
Fel Orc, Naga, Broken, Skeleton, Vrykul, Tuskarr, Forest Troll, Taunka, Northrend Skeleton and Ice Troll exist as possible race but they are unused