I know this is not what it’s about, but I just really appreciate the still of Valeera enjoying Anduin slapping the ^&*! out of Wrathion
I'm just so excited for this expansion! All the lore they have to work with, all the cool things they're doing. This will be what the game should've been the last couple expansions.I think they should've never gotten rid of talent trees, just reworked them and left them what they were in the beginning.
I don't feel like Ebyssian could be the dragon aspect or leader of black flight, He doesn't have much relevance in WoW story, only with the highmountain Taurens.Wrathion deserve it more i guess, even if he made the wrong decition toaid Garrosh to be free and created the iron horde, but helped us with his cloacks in relevant situation.
Adventure and exploration, Bran returning and etc, and yet they keep Archaeology untouched, again.
I really wish Blizzard could encrypt more content...
"Wrathion's main goal is to restore the black dragonflight, though his manipulations haven't always been particularly well received."...understatement of the century lol ^_^
Galakrond is something they shouldn't miss in this xpack. It would be really cool to see a super massive dragon like in the original picture.