Love those massive hunter changes every build. Its like Blizzard forgot this class even exist...
Hunters are fine btw. (sarcasm for those who can't see it)
Good demo changes
Where are the hunter changes? We are complete garbage, even as marksman. We would need to cast nothing but aimed shots back to back to even keep up.
Guess Blizzard just completely forgot about the promised Rogue rework...
Augment gets BL every 2 min
This game is turning into a waiting room simulator if you are not lucky enough to play a meta class and spec.I'm over 2k7 and 442 ilvl and it takes me over 1 hour to find a group to try to do a +20 and Blizzard feel very fine with leaving some classes and spec in the dumpster.Fork this, I'm out, there is enough great games out there that just allows to have fun and play what you like and be competitive so why bother with this trashfire of a game.I'll check if they rework hunt one of those day.
Warrior buffs when
Really, no hunter changes? We are in a horrible state atm maybe they are working on a rework, and It's not in yet since just damage buffs will only go so far but it's max copeium
v Astral Influence Guardian:Increases the range of all of your abilities by 1 yards.99 yards.hopefully just a typo :)
Where are some DK changes? We are literally trash tier in pvp and m+ with almost non existent utility.
Restoration Druid's mana cost reduction is a very nice changes, but if possible, please revert Innervate to the old mana restore version.Becouse there is too much disparity in Innervate effect efficiency depending on the class.
Can't wait to see the massive hunter improvements (esp for BM). I'm sure Blizz devs are busy writing up the WOT now.
They're buffing Demo...?
Those restoration druid mana reduction numbers can't be right... either they are changing their mastery , or they are gona make some general mana numbers/regeneration changes.