"This is getting out of hand, now there are 6 of them" - Any returning player, new player, or alt player.
Again they don't add a separate piece for trinkets. And again I bet it will give you 9 rings and 1 trinket for every token.
So ZM is designed around players having at least ilvl of 226. And these supposedly act as a start-up gear set and draw ppl to go for other means of gear acquisition later on, like Cypher/Crafted/Leggo/Tier Sets(crafted, vault or raid)/other upgradable ZM gears. Fair enough, but 500 anima? IMO 250 may be reasonable for those who never played 9.0 nor 9.1 but came back for tiers. 500 is reasonable for those who were playing but not for new potential players.
yay for my blue alts XD
Only i226? Current M0 gear is 210 and will most likely be at 226, hell even the gear from Korthia can be upgraded to much higher ilvl
There is something really wrong with this. Never in wows history did last patch of an expansion gear be the same iLvl as the first patch gear you could get from M+, lol. Basically 226 is nothing, and if you are hoping to gear all alts fast and farm Legion/BFA legacy content Easy, you are in for some really bad news. They won't be easy at all.
They are giving you enough gear to get in with this at 226 and then do LFR in Sepulcher. After that you need to work your butt off to get better gear.
Why not just make/buy crafted gear for alts? You'll get the stats you want at least.
My alts that farm old content for mounts/pets/toys/transmog will really like this gear. Basically a free upgrade for them from my 200 Korthia gear with no effort required.
500 is a bit much. Can’t we go back to the 8.2 days of catchup gear being 5 manapearls?
I trully do not understand the negativity around this. 226 for 500 anima per piece is not bad at all. This is not supposed to gear you up, just getting your alts up to speed.Would you rather have 262 gear for 10 gold? Cmon, there are worse things for us to worry