The shoulders do not match the outfit at all.
I really like the idea of unlocking transmog through working on professions. I hope they expand upon it and let you unlock profession specific mog. I'm surprised the profession gear in Dragonflight was never made usable as mog honestly.
The belt tries to tie in the shoulders.
Insane requirements, honestly. Blizzard is starting to lose it.
Should be just two primary professions, I don’t want to play alts to get this mog
The more I see these little giveaway cosmetics sets for doing content, the more I've realized something...Blizzard, not EVERY set needs shoulders. Sometimes less is more.
Looks cool! Big missed opportunity of Dragonflight was to not let us learn the appearances of our profession tools. This would be better.
They should really just make it so you can learn all professions at one character. I really see no reason from a gameplay point why this should not be the case.
why does it feel like budget dragon racer set