Well, well, well. If it isn't Azeroth's mightiest champions.
Congratulations! You managed to track me to the most unlikely places. My very own home.
Seeking retribution for all the bad, bad things I've done I suppose. How frightfully predictable.
I have been waiting a long time for this. Let's get on with it, shall we!
So disappointing! I expected more from you heroes.
Alliance. Horde. Pathetic, the lot of you.
Ha ha ha! Yes! Such delicious hatred.
You call this fighting? Trained by amateurs I see.
Refreshing, isn't it? Facing one another at long last.
Even that decrepit Saurfang put up a better fight than this.
You honestly believe you have a chance against me? How rich!
My hounds will make a meal of your pitiful flesh.
I've never been much for sentiment, but this takes me back to the old days.
All this grows tiresome! Give me a real challenge.
Of course, my queen, we will not disappoint you.