Not to mention, stacking around the boss will make your healer's life easier and you will be more likely to survive the storm.Yall gotta take this to heart, Evokers only got 30 yards, so you WILL prob die if not in melee range.
not to mention that theze bosses do require a minor dmg nerf !
Stack on the tank for gale arrow, not out in range. 1. Keeps melee/tank dps on the boss.2. When she does her leap following the arrow, it's always outside of where the tornadoes are coming in.
Nokhud Saboteur plaguefall kinthough doesn't want to dps the boss while mc-ed :(
came here just to see the damn flight path to the final boss. so tired of the way flying is that it is hard to fly and manage direction. died on the way there and was laughed at and said we didn't need a healer anyway for this boss and just skipped getting me up. so if you are doing a pug and not walking in the front door, tell people.
If Blizzard was going to let us get to the boss without doing any trash at all in that area (beyond the siblings) then they should have just let us fly all the way in there without the lightning dismounting us.
I came here to laugh at the "This will allow your healer more free time to spend dealing damage" part what with all the outrage on the forums about healers refusing to use any damage spells.But it is nice to let more people know that spirit leap does no damage and how to manage that fight better, too many times I see the 2 bosses split apart because no one seems to realise the health is shared or how the mechanics actually work.