Better nerf arcane and fury xD
Perhaps blizzard should not preemptively nerf classes due to community feedback to a patch that is not active and has not been properly tested. The fact that theorycrafted sims were announced as gospel on wowhead to which the community feedback inspired an 11nth hour nerfs to 2 specs not even outliers across the tier is insane. Blizzard are so proud of all the "tuning nobs" they have yet spin them all at once with no discretion and most importantly NO REAL DATA.
do we need to tell you that frost dk ST needs a buff or u still havent realised how many nerfs u have done the last 2 months ? ok on bos nerf but obliterate exterminate ? look the rankings pls, even on m+ now there are 10 specs doing same dps on st and aoe and some even more. obliterate needs 10% buff or revert obliterate nerf and buff reapers mark. it seems like u dont want frost dk to be strong. remember DF s3 ? mage was the best dps doing the highest keys but u buff fire mage cause performance on raid was below average. why u dont do the same on frost dk ?
Why even bother to report last weeks balance with all the bugs? Click baiting noobs i guess.
This graphs make no sense, they are from BEFORE fixing all the bugs and tunnig from this week. Useless post imo.
Ravioli ravioli, give me the fire mage buffioli
*continues to cry in arms warrior*Though I'm sure the warrior community and discord will just say git gud and of course we're so low, defensive stance is just sooooo overpowered
Lets see next week shaman. Wouldnt be suprised it dropping to Arms warr levels. Fricking rework. It feels worse than TBC shaman now. Clunky, slow, without deffs and with sad damage without CDs. They should have left it alone, it wasnt strong, but at least it wasnt pain in a*se to play.
Why even bother making this if it's just gonna be full of bugs/exploits lmfao
"Ignore Outlaw Rogues"You mean like we always do?
See that rogue ? KILL IT TOO! -sincerely an angry elemental shaman.
Frost dks need fixed cause this ain't it.