I play both classic and live, I don't understand why people get upset about a fan site posting stuff that they don't want to read when, you can just..not..read it? It's like people who get upset when a youtuber uploads a video they don't want to watch. Nobody is forcing you to, now stop crying.I do how ever wish wowhead would post more about the business side of things from ActiBlizz and the awful stuff they are doing as not everyone that comes to wowhead watches Az or our lord and savior Jim Sterling. I feel more people should know about that kind of stuff and it not just be ignored/swept under the rug.
I take these trends as "which players are quitting faster as they level and going back to retail."Warrior has been HIGH if not on top, and is steadily dropping. It's a painful leveling experience and people are fizzling out. AKA more Might for me!
I see it as less people looking up a class's leveling guide means that class is easy enough to level with, not that it's the least popular. This makes sense with how versatile druids and shamans are and with how tough it is to level warriors.