Lol, early access paid for easier levelling.
Typical EA dub
Who need such a "fix" i mean it is not that you are long at that lvl range
Happy leveling ? NO ! - Blizzard
"Hey so now that we've given the full release players the chance to level one toon, we're making it harder. If you had EA you're good and probably already leveled multiple."
Sorry if you were too poor to grind your entire alt army to 80 in early access.
Oh boy, I'm sure this change will go over well and people's response to it will be reasonable.
You people that didn't pay for premium access will take a day or longer to level your toons and you will like it! - Executives in Irvine
First they stop the levelling EXP thing at level 70, then they increase the difficulty. It's super @#$%ing obvious, we are churning through content faster than they want their shareholders to know about. That's all they care about these days, numbers, if the numbers are not showing enough engagement, they change the game to suit.
gee, yall REALLY know how to make people want to play your game ! nice job !
Actually this is great. While leveling using my Mythic gear from prev season it felt to easy to kill the mobs.
wow, blizzard REALLY HATES people that didn't pay extra money... what a terrible move
Honestly wouldn't have thought they would change it after early access could level blast through the dungeons^^Well, guess I will finish the last two of my season 1 mains tonight before they fix leveling lol.
Okay, so now Blizzard is actively punishing those that didn't buy early access by giving them a different leveling experience than those that did buy early access.
Yeah don't be mad about this, just power level today