Achievement hunter and gold-making enthusiast here. I can 100% promise you I am NOT wasting 70k of my hard-earned gold on 10 achievement points. Shame on Blizz for thinking this is okay, with any kind of reward or perk. This achievement will be considered one of the least completed ones in the game, only because Blizz didn't give any real incentive for completing it.
This has to be one of the dumbest achievements I've ever seen.Throw money at the screen FAST, or you lose your chance!First the 50k gold holiday drake armors, now this...Straight up FOMO gold sink.Pathetic.
Bwahahah hard pass.
Eww....a little too far Bliz. For 10 points? I would gladly give 70k for the pink love rocket though. Put that on the vendor and I will drop it faster than a girl on the dance floor.
Yeah this is why I don't do this stuff in wow anymore. It has become so stupid.
How about no?
Oh far the mighty have fallen.
For those who do want to donate each day, and don't have TomTom or similar, Galvus is right next to the entrance to Stormwind, left hand side, near Inspector Snip Snagglebolt who gives out the daily dungeon quest.For those who do, highlighting the co-ords in the article:/way #37 32.02 49.72 Galvus IronHammer(Alliance) /way #1 42.28 18.19 Torgando Featherhoof(Horde)Embarrassingly, he yells out when, and what, you donate...
I bet you there’s going to be some sort of reward down the line for this and this is a test to see how charitable people really are and if they will donate money for no reward ... like when you make donations in real life.
ok what the flip man
I can get spending 700k on a unique mount.I can get spending 70k on a unique title or transmog.Spending 70k on 10 achievement points? That's beyond my understanding.
They could have easily awarded a recolor V-day mog or mount. Not even close to being worth doing.
and people thought wow would get better with microsoft, yet another dwarf race, and now achievements whose sole purpose is to get people to buy gold.
I'll waste my gold on a lot of things but this is a tough sell even with millions banked.