I read the title and immediately my brain said, "Oooh, I hope it's by Discordiankitty!"Beautiful, thank you so much for posting these!
I really, really hope Alleria doesn't end up turning evil. If there's anything we don't need right now in WoW, it's Sylvanas 2.0.
to be fair, given previous historical data, voices from beneath the world don't generally mean nice things, so a bit of caution is excusable
Blizzard....Can we please get transmogs in the game that look like what Alleria has?Please give us more blacks to transmog with. The supply is depressingly low compared to all other colors.Also, put that Alleria mog on the store or something. I want it.
Man look at that dark ranger picture the hunter class could be that cool if the weren't trash and cared about the class I think microsoft should restructure blizzard.
"Towards the end of the Burning Crusade" I think you meant Battle for Azeroth.
Anyone sick of Khadgar as a character? He's joined the "overstayed their welcome club", alongside Gul'Dan and Sylvanas.
Anyone else noticed Khadgar's voice?. He sounds more elderly, and you can detect traces of tiredness in his words
If we need an article to explain a Cinematic then the Cinematic has not done its job.