Another joke, after some people had to do over 10k attempts for them.
This is not fair. Either let it go for a day so others can have a chance or remove it.Already at 1.5k kills and tired of doing it :(
To all those wondering, this does not mean the mount was a guaranteed drop.It just meant regular armor drops do not exist. The mount was still really rare drop.No one missed anything.
wow community: take back the sha mounts!also the wow community: let everyone have the tcg mounts for free so they can enjoy them!
This is the perfect time to fix all of these low drop chance mounts to something like 1/100. All world boss mounts & Love rocket should be standardized to either 1/100 or 1/200 like every other mount drop in the game.
if i'm being honest, i'm very jealous i missed this. i've been farming it for years at this point. sucks that people had an increased chance due to a bug. while i'm happy for others i do wonder if blizzard will take action against this. doubtful. just kinda sucks that exploiters always seem to win.
No mount/pet should've been lower than a 1% drop chance, period.Introducing 0.01% drop chance collectibles was a mistake.Vanity items from Timeless Isle included!
YEESSSS After so many years I finally got the mount due to this bug.
Honestly they should leave it. The 15 min wait simulator is stupid and puts pressure on people to just sit around 15 min at a time on an army of alts every week.
I hope people get to keep them.
I killed it on beta yesterday (EU here) just for lols, and it dropped. Went and killed Nalak, but it didn't drop. Killed Horridon too and it dropped the mount. I crei
finally got the mount after 30 attempts glad I tried this before it blew up
I'm trying my absolute best to be happy for everyone, but I had to work hard for these and it kinda sucks I'm not gonna lie. Not trying to be salty just expressing honestly that it does kinda suck
Blizzard forgets to put this mount in the game for 5 years, but it becomes obtainable to the masses and is hotfixed out within 6 hours.Just killed it and got bum all. Not working anymore, RIP.
Any chance this works for Invincible?