Looks like Goblin Glider business is back yet again!
Why? Why spend time adding this pointless stuff when they could just enable flying? This is just a slap in the face and pisses people off. It's not hard... level doing the quest by ground then learn to fly... it worked in TBC, WotLK, Mist... just let us fly already.
Wish they'd make Darkmoon Faire Cannon a Toy... :/
They're already "fixed". You can carry at most 5. So unless they drop like vendor trash, you can use them, but not constantly, just like the heal items from nazjatar / vale.
Used to be okay with pathfinder, but after several expansions of it, I have gotten sick of it. This feels like Blizzard thinking they'll throw us a bone, and of course I will be using these items. But I really wish we could just get flying sooner, not a year into the expansion.Blizzard's art team makes absolutely beautiful zones. We all know this. They were the highlight of BfA. But not even their beautiful zones are interesting for an entire year.
But, I already have a toy I collected from WoD that slow falls me and can be used anywhere on a short CD?EDIT: OK so I just checked it's a 1 hour CD. But still good to have.
I really wish we could use wings instead of a mount.