Great guide..But does anyone know of any addons to help keeping track, e.g. like HandyNotes_LostFound ?
very nice guide.
Are these items lootable by everyone in the area, or on a character by character basis like the lore scrolls for the Loremaster title?
Thank you! This is going to help narrow down those ones I'm still missing!
removed since this information is available at
Just a quick heads-up about the ship's locker...the coordinates are accurate, but are actually off the southern coast (Uncharted Sea zone) and not where the node is shown on the map. Very handy guide though...tyvm!
LostTreasures, on curse. It works with TomTom, and doesn't show the ones you already have.
They're trying far too hard to get people out into the world. By attaching achievements to things like this, it means that people will be sitting there for hours trying to get them. I appreciate them trying to give us more to do, but things that require more waiting is not the best way to go about it. As irritating as Pet Battles have been for me, I'd prefer a dozen things like that over more waiting. Traveling is also quite boring and irritating. I want to be actually doing things.Edit: Thanks for the guide.
I dunno, I like finding them while doing questing while leveling up. It's surprising how many you can happen to run into while going through the zones normally.
Love these things. The first one I stumbled across was Offering of Remembrance, and I thought the debuff was hilarious.
1 thing i noticed when i first went for this is that the Horde has an advantage when they start since there 3 of them really close too each other that count for this achievement (and 1 extra gold chest that doesnt count)i wonder why blizzard didnt spread them a bit more evenly.though its a quick 300g on my alts so no complaints from me.
Any chance to do the same for Relic Hunter?
They fixed the teapot in the last patch.
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
Great guide! I make sure I collect these with every toon because it works out to be roughly 2004(ish) gold if you collect them all and unlike the relics they just sit there waiting to be looted then phase once you do.... so free gold.Heads up Chest of Supplies is phased until you complete most of the quests in Jade Forest (it doesn't count towards the achievement but free gold is free gold) so if you see the chest but it despawns when you land next to it it only means you need to keep questing.
It's funny on my first toon the items gave 300 k Xp, second toon at the same level 425k and on my 3rd toon just under 200 k. Wonder why that is?