Cant Believe that the class with 4 Trees came first and the class with 2 will come last.
Don’t worry they’ll do that in beta…
I cant believe evokers have a more fleshed out tree then DH
Not much to speculate. If blizzard intend to do more then some minor changes, they would have released them long before, so there will be time to test them, and get feedback/data.Both spec is dead, their mastery for example is complete useless, yet blizz is doing nothing about it,in whole SL and looks like nothing will change in DF... *Rip DH*
Just give us all PVE and PVP talents and leggos..boom ! Tree done lol 😂
i wish we got our own class writer and not the rogue class writer, really great to see the first sort of iteration is just a solid nerf... well done Blizz
Personal find it odd that they are change haste values as dh main my self. Personal I hope they make dh better as at the moment its bring one and any more is not wanted for almost any group or raid. (For raid this more apply to mythic raids). And I know it's 3 button class but these changes don't look be change that as problem is atm you don't want even think of press blade dance on most fights. I hope talent trees shake things up make dh a better class
I really hope,that we can choose different builds. And i really hope i don't have to play Momentum Build. I just disliked that and i hope there are more variety options etc.
God I wish they would remove cycle of hatred from the game. A talent that makes pushing all your buttons a dps loss is stupid. (Especially with a class that has so few in the first place).
I want a talent that every time you enter combat you yell "vengeance"
It's actually insane how everyone here thinks these are nerfs. Just shows how no one understands the spec and are at most pushing + 15 keys by the end of the season for KSM.They have buffed the spec. They removed RNG from CoH. Increased cap on Eye Beam, removing 5 % haste, which you won't feel as you still get 30% combined with Demonic.They made Momentum permanent up time which is just flat 15% dps increase. And they removed RNG from demon blades making them more consistent even further removing RNG elements from the spec which have plagued it since the start of SL.Reducing the haste you get after eyebeam and Meta does not matter as most of the time you are over capped on haste anyways which gives you low benefit. I will gladly sacrifice some haste gain when the RNG elements are getting removed and the flat DPS output outside of steroid boost moments is increased.