I really like these
Some of these are great and needed specs. But only if Blizzard had a design team that actually knows a bit about WoW or generally fantasy gaming. However, I disagree with Monk - Elementalist build. As it states on another spec idea, monks are already stealing the show from Shamans and should -must- move away from elements. And speaking of Shamans. Witch Doctor when?
Class skin idea is setting afoot quickly, and it's what this game disperately needs: brand new, refreshing concepts, that require some effort by the developers but that in the end don't change the game too much, just give the players more immersionI really want class skins in game, and I also want some simple stuff like more love to collectors and legacy players, they could benefit so much from previous content in a easy way...
if you can mix and match and many of these cosmetics could be used across other classes, that'd be great too.I want rune tattoos for DKS.
Something like this would actually get me back into the game, maybe even as my main MMO again.
ah sorry. best we can do is green warlock spells
Looks ok
Funny how the blue dragonflight mage skin only would only change fire effects.Much like Blizzard, this artist has forgotten that specs other than fire exist.
And we'll get NONE of these if WoW even gets another Expac.
This is the best thing I've seen for WoW since Legion. Please, for the love of god, look at these Blizzard. Kudos to the creators.
This is the best thing I've ever seen for this game. Couple things I would change on those class mixes but please Blizzard USE THIS AS AN IDEA!
Some of the stuff feels a bit off for me, but overall pretty good ideas. Just shows how the community has more fantasy than the devs themselves.As a rogue I feel left out tho... :(
Great visuals in the pictures. I think having more visual variety to add identity to classes is a great idea. I would however like to see more character customization before they start doing stuff like this. I would also point out as a little nitpick the San'layn and Venthyr have no ties apart from the fact that the Nathrezim helped Denathrius and Zovaal by delivering the Helm of Domination and Frostmorne to Kil'Jaeden. The San'layn were undead Blood Elves who had there magic twisted in undeath making them much stronger. Like most of the Scourge they feed of life and twist it in to death.The Venthyr share the Vampire aesthetic and honestly nothing more.
Wouldnt it be awesome if Blizztivision wasnt lazy.
Some of these have some weird connections and are skipping more obvious "classskins" like bloodpriests for trolls, in my opinion necromancer should be a 4th spec for DK's instead, warlocks or mages could have a artificer skin, tidesage for priests, spellblade for paladins or warriors, dark rangers I can get behind, but gunslinger could also be a thing, maybe void/arcane/light infused DH, lorewise necrtotic shaman could also be a thing. I could go on and on tho. But I think some of these should actually become a 4the spec for some classes.
People can now stop with the Dark Ranger suggestions : Blizzard story-writters have KILLED it.Nathanos is dead (and no idea where is soul is, maybe the Jailer will use him against us in 9.2 as a boss?), Sylvanas is unlikely to be the Forsaken leader and will likely take some neutral role like Bolvar when he became Lich King, she's going to be shoe-horned as the new Arbiter or some weird other thing, just so she doesn't have to actually pay for ALL the horrible crimes she did. I mean, who's expecting Blizzard to actually put Sylvanas in jail or to execute her after 9.2? That wouldn't be nice, she got her soul back, riiiiiiiiiight?Without Nathanos & Sylvanas, there's not really any reason for the Forsaken to keep training Dark Rangers. Blizzard has to figure out and show us how the Forsaken have changed because of what happened at the end of BFA. I'm expecting 10.0 to present us with new capital cities for Night Elves and Forsaken (and maybe Worgens too, that would be nice - Void Elves could also get a new base in the void, instead of looking like hobos on the edge of a cliff), AND with a new Forsaken culture, changed by having Calia Menethil as queen of Lordaeron. Or maybe there will first be a whole deal of taking it back from the Scarlet brotherhood who just came back into power...
I loved all of them but had trouble figuring out in my head how the monk and warrior ones would work. I like the rune idea but maybe not for monk. That particular niche seems already taken by mages and shamans but I would love to see tauren mages with different spell effects. The elemental monk I like, if I'm thinking about it correctly. Like any jade mist effect should be either fire or air or regular wind, and the effects on the punches and kicks could be changed to stone or fire. That would bring them more in line with a Diablo monk. If I could pose an idea for monk it would be a light-themed monk, where the mists are replaced by streams of liquid light. For blademaster I feel like arms warrior already achieves that fantasy, maybe just without the cloth armor. If I were to suggest any others it would be Death Knight to Void Knight, somehow bring in Moon Priest (nelf) and Sun Priest (belf and tauren) either as priest or druid, and bring in drust druid. Finally, holy priest with shadow effects and vice versa
I would actually level and keep a Mage and Warrior if this ever happened.
Blizz cant balance specs right now, imagine adding more...We were waiting for tinkers a long time but i don't think that we are going to see any new class in a long time or spec so No thanks, next