make the class fun first pls thanks!1!
Worthless until bugs are fixed and acro is restored.
a great buff to all rogues would be deleting slice and dice, or all maintenance buffs for that matter
I hope that dev who thinks that 8 sec Kidney Shot would be a nice idea will be fired
Did the devs just forget why they lowered the duration of Kidney Shot in the first place?
Other guy is right, fix the crackshot dispatch consuming ER bug, casting stealth during subterfuge bug, random things breaking stealth bugs, cant use BtE first global (beta) bug, grapple goes on cd if you tried to click it out of LoS bug, KiR buffs capped at 60 sec bug, breaking stealth with vanish or a trinket wont give subterfuge bug, SHADOWMELD HARDLY WORKS BUG. Probably more I forgot.Also give acro back, we had it first for a reason and removing acro from all specs equally doesn't affect everyone fairly.
Where BM hunter buffs plx?
I miss the range in outlaw spec
All of the tuning is nice but can we please get some QOL? Garrote needs to apply the death stalker mark, not ambush. Whoever designed it to function the way it does currently obviously does not play the spec at all.
Nerf Mages! I want to see mage mains cry.
Nice lets make it so druids are so bad they aren't even brought for the raid buff
I'm so tired of maining a rogue, man. Only played rogue every single expac since WoD, I'm switching for the first time in TWW. Maybe to a caster. I'm so done, especially with the assa button bloat. The opener/rotation are so asinine, good luck if you don't have a 20-button mouse. No amount of buffs will fix that. Delete/passive ER and SnD to begin with, the opener needs to be heavily streamlined.
can we please address how under perfoming trickster is compared to fatebound? I thought they were supposed to be within the margin to use either hero power of your choice.... but just like the tatent tree system you are unable to play the class how you want you have to be forced to play meta at all times if you want to be invited to anything. Outlaw cannot be the only spec that this happens to I'm more then sure every spec in the game has something that someone wants to use or talent into but CANNOT because they will not be competitive... This should be addressed more then anything. Give players variety not hardstuck paths for talents. And mainly tune the Hero Talents to be within a 1% margin of each other. Thanks <3!