Does this buff affect the Ruby Embers talent or nah
Nice, now i cant heal myself fully before going oom after i fail the alchemy experiment. Gr8 job innit
How about fixing the action shows as unusable on the actionbar, or the fact that Essence cost does not reflect the actual essence you have, essence abilities shows as avaliable but on cd. I hate playing Evoker at the state it is in now.
Nice, LF didn't feel like it was healing much at all as a hybrid heal. Verdant Embrace felt much more powerful followed by the umm, Emerald Blossom thingy. Living Flame didn't seem to do much self-healing as Devastation. +1
It did feel like the healing was pathetic when leveling my evoker as devastation when compared to my feral or enhance so nice to see it got buffed.