Those are the original Warcraft 3 spell animations. They haven't incorporated the updated spell animations yet I guess.
How are you gaining access to these in the World Editor? Are these just videos on the CDN or did one of you have to manually record it in the Editor?
It all looks absolutely fantastic! Super hyped for this remaster, can't wait for it to be released!
Poor flying sheep :(
Wtf that Ashbringer on the paladin?
A volcano spitting more tiny volcanoes? Doesn make any sense, thats a funny bug
So... is the volcano actually supposed to spew... other volcanoes? Lol.Seems like it would be intended to spew those fiery rocks that are visible around the actual volcano, but nah instead we got whole fricking mountaints somersaulting all over the place! Love it!
Lovin' dat' voodoo shuffle, mon
"Oh, my feet are burning. Meh, whatever..........*augh*"
I can't say all of them are old animations, but the mirror images from the Blademaster definitely are. Pause the video when he casts it, when there's a sort of "green ghost" shaking. It's a very old model.
Update: Not all of them are old animations looking at them side by side with their WC3 counterparts but some haven't been updated yet like mirror image animation or the stampede animation. Also didn't whirlwind have a tornado like effect?
Since the very first reveals, I'm afraid that the super-detailed units/heroes models will totally crash with the rest of the game's aesthetics. I hope they plan on bumping the quality of the special effects because otherwise, it's gonna look super weird.
"The firelord has risen a volcano!Meh what's the worst that can hap...*starts spewing out other volcanoes*You just had to open your big mouth, didn't you?"
Yo dawg, I heard you like volcanoes, so I put volcanoes in your volcano so you can spit fire while you're spitting fire.