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Wow Economy Weekly Wrap-Up - 100th Edition
2019/11/24 시간 13:04
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WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-Up
Hello! Welcome to the 100th edition of the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up!
This special edition marks a changing of the guard as I have now taken up the reins over our esteemed
. He has very kindly passed on the baton to me and I hope you will join me in wishing him the very best in his new endeavours.
If you want to see his previous articles, they are all archived
here on wowhead.com
My name is
and I am a content creator focusing on making gold using Professions and
. I have a number of guides over on
and I also stream my adventures on
I'll also be covering the article
live on my Twitch stream
shortly after publication, if you'd like to join in and ask any questions!
I'm going to follow Gumdrops's style of news coverage going over the latest goings on in WoW and how that affects us in the gold making community. If you have any suggestions of what you would like to see in future episodes, please do get in touch.
A lot has happened since the last post with Blizzcon and the exciting Shadowlands release, so let's have a look ...
Brutosaur going Extinct
The big news this week for gold makers is some very sad news about the
Brutosaur mount
. The fondly named Longboi will no longer be available to purchase once Shadowlands goes live. This fine beast is such an iconic goal for many gold makers and often the reason many people have gotten into it recently, considering the price tag is a hefty 5 million gold!
Hello! Yes. About that …
Like all dinosaurs, the Mighty Caravan Brutosaur’s days are numbered. I can confirm that when Shadowlands goes live, the shady vendors Talutu and Tricky Nick will cease selling it. Their other offerings – the Lost Platysaur pet and the Palehide Direhorn mount, will remain available for purchase.
We will make sure that the unforgettable Brutosaur mount is added to the lists of possible items that are sold in the Black Market Auction Houses. And of course, this new Achievement “Conspicuous Consumption” is a Feat of Strength, so as such things go, it’s not actually very conspicuous.
This means you will have up to a year to save the required gold to buy this magnificent mount. Do not despair! This is entirely achievable as a long term goal even if you have no money right now.
The lovely Reckles AKA
has put his thoughts into a video below..
If you are here because you are interested in getting the Brutosaur before it disappears then you have come to the right place! We are here to help! You can find many good resources on the
WoWEconomy Reddit
and the
Discord Server
. There are many gold makers out there (
myself included
) who are only too happy to share what we know. Come on in and join the fun!.
When I was aiming for my own Brutosaur (Elliot), I made a graph to track my progress and take stock of where I was at. I've made
a blank sheet available
so you can take a copy and track your own progress. We don't know exactly when Shadowlands will release, but I have taken a conservative estimate of end of August 2020
Link to Google Sheet
Anniversary Event
The 15th Anniversary Event
is in full swing and many players have been returning to get the new mounts and to see what's new.
posted on
The 15th anniversary seems to be bringing ppl back in droves (at least temporarily)! The 380 ilvl requirement for the Worldbreaker mount seems to be driving up the trinket market especially, but also Notorious gear especially weapons. Reset those trinkets, strike while the iron is hot, who knows how long the rush will last, make gold :) Cheers!
Now is the perfect time to level your alts! More alts means more opportunities for gold making, especially when making use of Professions and cooldowns.
Korrak's Revenge Battleground is where the action is at, you will be gaining XP whether you win or lose. The more you participate the better with daily quest rewards giving large amounts of XP. People are reporting being able to go from 110-120 in a few hours.
The Anniversary bonus provides 15% XP Boost,
Draught of 10 Lands
, particularly the
Defending Champion Trinket
from STV giving 50% extra PVP XP if you have it. All these XP bonuses add up and the levels will fly past, particularly 60-120.
The Celebration Package
also provides a 15% boost to reputation gains which is incredibly useful for gaining rep on alts for access to specific profession recipes. Keep hold of your
Timewarped Badges
too as they can be used to boost reputation for specific Old World factions if you need them.
Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley is coming to Classic on December 10th
posted on
with the upcoming news.
If you haven't started stocking up on consumables, get it while you can.
Free Action
Living Action
Poison Resist
Oil of Immolation
are the main ones I'm focusing on.
Some say that consumables are used less often in Battlegrounds compared to World PVP, but I'm sure there will be opportunities in both Potions and the Herbs that feed them. Keep an eye on the market prices as people react to this news and then start consuming! There will certainly be a supply/demand balance and an ideal price for each server.
If you would like to look further into Classic Alchemy,
The Lazy Goldmaker
has an excellent blog post doing a
Deep Dive into Classic Achemy
BregVids Classic Gold Challenge
If you are interested in making gold in Classic,
has started a great series on what he is doing to make gold while he is levelling and playing the AH, also using the professions Tailoring and Alchemy
Patch 8.3 PTR
reported on
about the updates noted
here on WowHead
where from reading the new descriptions, food may play an important role in the upcoming 8.3 in helping with visions.
This means 8.2 food/feasts and potions will stay for 8.3 also so don't clear out your food stocks just yet as there's also a new warfront with unknown contributions. And the new Lesser and Horrific Visions will have all sorts of rewards and I think everyone will use these new items to progress as fast as possible.
The new food is
Grilled Gnasher
Dubious Delight
Ghastly Goulash
Baked Voidfin
Titan Gold Maker Extraordinaire
Billy | Vahdis @RethRethReth
has noted
some interesting developments
to the Mailbox..
Just tested the mailbox on the patch 8.3 PTR and they have doubled the number of items show per 60 second refresh to 100, meaning you can collect your mail about twice as fast as live!
This is fantastic news as well as the existing condensing of similar auctions into one mail, means we will be spending less time reloading the mailbox and time is money friend!
Did you know? That in TSM Mailing, you can click the the little icon to reload the UI or you can use a macro /reload ? This is often quicker than waiting a minute for a refresh especially if you have WoW on an SSD.
Also, if you shift-click any of the buttons (Open All, Sales, Buys, Cancels, Expires) at the bottom, TSM will automatically carry on opening that type after a timed refresh. Ctrl-click Open all and it opens everything BUT the gold (handy for those sweet #dailymailbox screenshots!) Note: Ctrl-Shift-Click also works!
Pet Posting
has also noticed feedback is being acted on with the new AH coming in 8.3
is listening to our auction house redesign requests! Battle pets now have a quantity option so you don't have to individually post each.
and he gives good advice as well to check the PTR and submit bugs and feature requests, now's the time!
The new AH and 8.3 is going to be an interesting time for gold makers, I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!
What's Ahead?
There are a few notable events next week to look out for as a gold maker..
First, is the
Pilgrim's Bounty
event, particularly
The Spirit of Sharing Buff
which will increase reputation gains by 10% and stacks with the Anniversary Event. This will be useful in unlocking any reputations you don't have.
The next is Comp Stomp, a special PvP Brawl Battleground against the AI. These are much easier to win than the regular ones and will be very useful doing at least once on every 120 to stockpile some
Marks of Honor
ready for the new Craftable PvP gear coming in 8.3. You can get up to 8 Marks of Honor for a win and handing in the releted quest.
Further Reading
Most of this information was discussed and originally posted on the
subreddit or in the accompanying
Discord Server
. You can also catch me streaming live on
on Sunday from around 7PM GMT UK Time (2pm Eastern Time) for the WoW Economy Weekly Wrap-up live on Wowhead.com, or you can tweet your feedback/thoughts via Twitter at
I hope you found this useful and I look forward to writing many more posts in the future. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do say so in the comments below..
Until next time, Happy Goldmaking!
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