The Dawnbreaker Dungeon Overview for The War Within

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  • Darkness Comes: Shadowcrown unleashes a massive explosion of shadow magic in an attempt to destroy any players aboard The Dawnbreaker. While casting Shadowcrown is immune to damage.
    • Radiant Light: Radiant light bathes the player, protecting them from Encroaching Shadows. Enables Skyriding and mounting in combat.
      Upon exiting the Lamplighter's influence Radiant Light no longer lasts forever and when 10 sec or less remains, players gain Encroaching Shadows.
      • Encroaching Shadows: The Order of Night's ritual on Beledar inflicts 88104616 Shadow damage to those unprotected by Radiant Light, killing instantly upon expiration.
      • Light Fragment: While Skyriding during this encounter infused orbs of Light radiate. Collecting these grants 1 Vigor and extends the duration of Radiant Light.
  • Obsidian Blast: Speaker Shadowgrown ejects dark energy at a target, inflicting 5286277 Shadow damage and 440523 Shadow damage to all other targets. (Heroic, Normal)
  • Obsidian Beam: Shadowcrown ejects dark energy at her current target inflicting 60 Shadow damage and an additional 5 Shadow damage to all other players.
    For 7 sec shadow magic radiates in targeted directions, inflicting 20 Shadow damage and an additional 5 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 9 sec upon contact. This effect stacks.
  • Collapsing Darkness: Shadowcrown rips open portals at targeted locations, inflicting 30 Shadow damage to targets within 6 yards, 9 yards, 12 yards, and 15 yards sequentially. (Heroic, Normal)
  • Collapsing Night: Shadowcrown rips open portals at targeted locations for 30 sec, inflicting 8 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec to those inside. These zones increase in size over time.
  • Burning Shadows: Shadowcrown shears the link between a player's body and soul inflicting 154183 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec and reducing movement speed by 50% for until canceled.
    Upon removal applies Shadow Shroud to 4 players.
    • Shadow Shroud: A dark shroud clings to players absorbing the next 1120881 healing.

      On Mythic difficulty, Shadow Shroud infllicts damage over time.

  • Shadow Bolt: Shadowcrown hurls shadow magic at a player, inflicting 440523 Shadow damage.

is one of Queen Ansurek's most brilliant tacticians. A meticulous planner known for creative use of indigenous resources. His soldiers are fanatically loyal.

Anub'ikkaj patrols the streets of Mereldar, strengthened through [Empowered Might] from his nerubian lieutenants. Each of his allies grants formidable power while alive.
  • Healers:
    [Dark Orb]'s final explosion inflicts less damage the farther it travels.
    [Shadowy Decay] inflicts substantial damage to all players.
  • Tanks:
    [Dark Orb]'s final explosion inflicts less damage the farther it travels.
    [Terrifying Slam] inflicts substantial damage and knocks back, fearing other players caught near the primary target.
  • Damage Dealers:
    [Dark Orb]'s final explosion inflicts less damage the farther it travels.
    [Terrifying Slam] inflicts substantial damage and fears other players caught near the primary target.

  • Empowered Nerubians:
    Anub'ikkaj gains increased power from his nerubian lieutenants: Ascendant Vis'coxria, Deathscreamer Iken'tak, and Ixkreten the Unbreakable. Defeating them removes this power.
    • Empowered Might: Anub'ikkaj's allies share formidable power with him increasing their damage by 30% and maximum health by 50%. This effect stacks.
      Defeating them removes this power.
  • Anub'ikkaj
    • Dark Orb: Anub'ikkaj conjures a sphere of pure darkness which travels until it impacts an object exploding for 50 Shadow damage to all players. This damage is decreased the farther the orb travels.
      Upon contact this darkness applies Dark Scars.
      • Dark Scars: Inflicts 440523 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 15 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Terrifying Slam: Anub'ikkaj blasts his current target for 7048739 Physical damage and 30 Shadow damage, knocking them back. Additionally inflicts 30 Shadow damage to other targets within 15 yards and fears them for 3 sec.
    • Shadowy Decay: Anub'ikkaj pours forth dark magic inflicting 616732 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 4 sec
    • Animate Shadows: Anub'ikkaj reaches into the darkness and summons living shadows to his aid.
      • Congealed Darkness: The Animated Shadow flings shadowy sludge at a target inflicting 881046 Shadow damage.

A winged horror from the depths of Azj-kahet. is Queen Ansurek's secret weapon to destroy the Arathi should her armies fail to conquer Mereldar.

Rasha'nan sinks her claws into The Dawnbreaker as Nightfall Bombers hurl [Arathi Bomb]s aboard the airship.
After suffering enough damage from the bombs' explosions, Rasha'nan takes flight across Hallowfall and begins to cast [Acidic Eruption] until interrupted.

  • Stage One: The Dawnbreaker
    • Arathi Bomb: Nightfall Bombers toss a high explosive on the deck of The Dawnberaker which detonate after 20 sec inflicting 440523 Fire damage to all players and an additional 264314 Fire damage every 1 sec for 10 sec. This effect stacks.
      Arathi Bombs can be carried by players.
      Arathi Bombs thrown at Rasha'nan detonate inflicting (58 / 10)% of her total health in damage.
      • Sparking Arathi Bomb: Carrying an Arathi Bomb. The bomb continuously sparks inflicting 88105 Fire damage every 0.5 sec while held.
      • Throw Arathi Bomb: Hurl an Arathi Bomb at Rasha'nan inflicting (58 / 10)% of her total health in damage.
        Usable within 0 yards of Rasha'nan.
    • Rolling Acid: Rasha'nan blasts marked targets with a poisonous concoction splashing across the arena for 10 sec inflicting 434579 Nature damage every 1 sec and reducing movement speed by 50%.
      Upon creation players within the corrosive gain Acidic Stupor. Each period players remain inside additionally gain Corrosion.
      Additionally this incinerates Sticky Webs inflicting 30 Nature damage to players within 10 yards and creates 1 Acid Pool.
      • Acidic Stupor: Inflicts 881046 Nature damage and stuns for 1 sec.
      • Corrosion: Corrodes for 15 sec, suffering 88105 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Expel Webs: Rasha'nan ejects tacky strands in targeted directions inflicting 1101308 Nature damage to players within 3.5 yards of impact locations and rooting them in place for 3 sec. (Challenge)
    • Erosive Spray: Rasha'nan spews acid for 2 sec inflicting 825981 Nature damage at all players plus an additional 361229 every 1 sec.
  • Intermission: Escape!:
    Rasha'nan takes flight across Hallowfall as Limplighter Skiffs rally to the Dawnbreaker's aid and provide [Radiant Light].
    • Radiant Light: Radiant light bathes the player, protecting them from Encroaching Shadows. Enables Skyriding and mounting in combat.
      Upon exiting the Lamplighter's influence Radiant Light no longer lasts forever and when 10 sec or less remains, players gain Encroaching Shadows.
      • Encroaching Shadows: The Order of Night's ritual on Beledar inflicts 88104616 Shadow damage to those unprotected by Radiant Light, killing instantly upon expiration.
      • Light Fragment: While Skyriding during this encounter infused orbs of Light radiate. Collecting these grants 1 Vigor and extends the duration of Radiant Light.
    • Arathi Lamplighter: A Lamplighter?s Skiff rallies to the Dawnbreaker, granting Radiant Light to nearby players and generating Light Fragments.
    • Acidic Eruption: Upon reaching the Veneration Grounds Rasha'nan thrashes in rage inflicting 220262 Nature damage to all players until interrupted. This effect increases in intensity over time.
      Rasha'nan is immune to damage while the effect lasts.
  • Stage Two: The Veneration Grounds
    • Spinneret's Strands: Rasha'nan blasts webs at targeted players inflicting 15 Shadow damage to players within 10 yards, tethering the original target and creating Sticky Webs.
      This tether inflicts 3 Shadow damage every 1 sec, pulling in the original target. Moving 0 yards snaps this tether, causing a Spinneret's Websnap.
      • Spinneret's Websnap: Spinneret's Strands' snap inflicting 230252 Shadow damage to all players.
      • Sticky Webs: Spinneret's Strands' silken adhesive inflict 86345 Shadow damage every 0.5 sec, reducing movement speed by 20%.
      • Acid Pool: Rolling Acid incinerates Sticky Webs inflicting 30 Nature damage to players within 10 yards and forms a caustic zone for 10 min inflicting 863447 Nature damage every 1 sec to those inside.
    • Rolling Acid: Rasha'nan blasts marked targets with a poisonous concoction splashing across the arena for 10 sec inflicting 434579 Nature damage every 1 sec and reducing movement speed by 50%.
      Upon creation players within the corrosive gain Acidic Stupor. Each period players remain inside additionally gain Corrosion.
      Additionally this incinerates Sticky Webs inflicting 30 Nature damage to players within 10 yards and creates 1 Acid Pool.
      • Acidic Stupor: Inflicts 881046 Nature damage and stuns for 1 sec.
      • Corrosion: Corrodes for 15 sec, suffering 88105 Nature damage every 1.5 sec. This effect stacks.
    • Expel Webs: Rasha'nan ejects tacky strands in targeted directions inflicting 1101308 Nature damage to players within 3.5 yards of impact locations and rooting them in place for 3 sec. (Challenge)
    • Erosive Spray: Rasha'nan spews acid for 2 sec inflicting 825981 Nature damage at all players plus an additional 361229 every 1 sec.
    • Tacky Burst: Rasha'nan violently expels webs while no players are in melee range, inflicting 2202616 Nature damage plus an additional 881046 Nature damage every 3 sec for 9 sec. This effect stacks.

Loot for The Dawnbreaker in the War Within

Accessories Drops
FingerSpeaker Shadowcrown
Cloth Drops
ShouldersSpeaker Shadowcrown
Leather Drops
WaistSpeaker Shadowcrown
Mail Drops
Plate Drops
WaistSpeaker Shadowcrown
Trinket Drops
StrengthSpeaker Shadowcrown

One-Handed Weapon Drops
Ranged Weapon Drops
Off-Hand and Shield Drops
Held In Off-handIntellectSpeaker Shadowcrown
Two-Handed Weapon Drops

Profession Drops
BlacksmithingThe Dawnbreaker: Mythic+
EnchantingThe Dawnbreaker: Mythic+
EnchantingThe Dawnbreaker: Mythic+
EnchantingThe Dawnbreaker: Mythic+
EnchantingThe Dawnbreaker: Mythic+
EnchantingThe Dawnbreaker: Mythic+

Achievements for The Dawnbreaker in the War Within

There are four Achievements that can be earned in The Dawnbreaker.

  • Defeat Rasha'nan in The Dawnbreaker.

  • Defeat Rasha'nan in The Dawnbreaker on Heroic difficulty or higher.

  • Defeat Rasha'nan in The Dawnbreaker on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.

  • Complete The Dawnbreaker at Mythic Level 10 or higher, within the time limit.
    Feat of Strength | Reward: Teleport to The Dawnbreaker