Super busy this week, but wanted to drop in here real quick to say two things:
First up, this is a really well-written and easy to read feedback post, and the time you put into it is appreciated. I can’t promise any specific changes on the spot, but we’ll be discussing some of the issues you brought up here.
Secondly, I wanted to clarify our intent with the Plagueborer change, as the goal was not to prevent creative routing.
We’re huge fans of player choice and creative strategies, and this is precisely the sentiment from which Plagueborers came to exist in the first place. The problem arose from the combination of how powerful they were, plus how easy it was to take them anywhere in the dungeon - to the point that it felt like your own performance playing your class was nearly irrelevant next to simply optimizing Plagueborers (this is similar to the Tol Dagor cannon problem). This is a delicate line to walk any time we try to do powerful dungeon-specific effects (same with NW weapons), but we feel it’s worth it and hope to keep experimenting with stuff like this in future dungeons.