[Changelog For "Dazar'alor Tourism Guide"]
- 29/04/2019 alle 17:21: Added a auction house and dubloon trader section to the amenities portion of the guide Di Vills
- 09/08/2018 alle 14:46: [Minor Edit] Di Vills
- 09/08/2018 alle 14:40: Talutu has decided to be a little bit more generous with the price for the Lost Platysaur Di Vills
- 09/08/2018 alle 14:36: The Alchemy trainer has received the attention she deserves Di Vills
- 08/08/2018 alle 23:33: [Minor Edit] Di Vills
- 08/08/2018 alle 23:11: Added a section that tells players how to access Dazar'alor Di Vills
- [Status set to Approvato]: 08/08/2018 alle 19:41