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Blizzard Entertainment Job Listings Hint at Unnanounced Action/FPS Game
13/03/2021 à 21:46
An unannounced PC/Console project is in development at Blizzard Entertainment, with several new job listings referencing
action, first-person shooter, and online experience
, which could indicate something related to Overwatch or even a completely new title. Blizzard already has a lot on its plate between The Burning Crusade, Overwatch 2, three Diablo titles in development, and the various mobile titles highlighted in the
4th Quarter Financial Results
, though Blizzard has repeatedly asserted that there are more projects in the works than ever before.
Among the many jobs listed are several senior and lead positions, many of which refer to experience with FPS and action games, both single-player and online, which again could point toward an expansion of the teased
Overwatch 2 story mission campaign
, another shot at the ill-fated
Starcraft: Ghost
, or a completely new project. With the way development works, we may never know, as many projects languish in development hell or get cancelled without ever being announced. Video games on
Kickstarter are prone to failure
and even in a well established company like Blizzard,
big projects have been known to collapse
That said, Blizzard has beefed up its operations lately, with the Activision sub studio
Vicarious Visions
coming on board to remaster
Diablo 2: Resurrected
, and the fact that they've opened up a number of job listings is a somewhat promising indication that the project is moving along, but only time will tell exactly what it leads to.
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