Either I have horrible luck at getting these pets or they are just an insanely low drop rate. :(
Love all of these pets! Can't wait to farm them and get them all :D
I love how even the folks on Wowhead left the achievement name as "Lick King."
My luck on these pets has been somewhat scattershot. I got Boneshard on a second run, and he's worth it just for watching the little guy yell "BONE STORM!" and start to spin around randomly. Otherwise, hadn't had much luck in ICC with three runs. Trial of the Crusader I netted the "extra rare" Snowbold Runt, as well as the Swarmer, but haven't run around with them out yet. I had far better luck in Ulduar, grabbing three of them on a single run (Servitor, Proto-Whelp, and the Sanctum Cub). My guess would be that these are running on similar drop percents as the previous Raiding With Leashes, which was somewhere between 10 and 20% for most.
Great guide, especially the Burn'em Down guide, because even at 100 (or maybe it was 90), I think you still needed a second person to help with Leviathan? Can't remember.I've only got one pet so far, but I'm enjoying farming them and coming back to these areas. ToC is a free 250 gold a week, haha; and the rest is decent pocket change. Along with some appearances I didn't have.
Ok, Im a little confused here. When I mouse over the achievement link at the top, it lists 16 pets to collect. Yet, there are 18 pets listed in the help guide. What am I missing?
Week 1: I did a full 25-man heroic run of all three raids... not a single pet dropped. Not one.
the droprate for these are about 10% less for snobold runt, so it is easily possible to hit all 16 drops without seeing a single pet, and it's also easy to see 6 in one clear of the three raids. Some might be at 5%. This is clearly meant to take time, even with alts.
The first Raiding with leashes, I think I got them all after three run throughs (usually going through a the dungeons, I would at least get a couple per, with just one or two that were pesky and wouldn't drop). The second took a little longer, and the third longer still. This week, I was only able to do a Ulduar 25 man run, and only got one to drop. I think they really adjusted the drop rates to force people to come back more often. Oh well, since I'm still missing all the mounts from these raids (achievement and drops), I guess I don't mind having to run these. If only some of the boss dialog wasn't so long or if they were skippable.
I'm so glad they've kept the model for Frosty unique! My heart sunk when I saw the achievement announced because I thought everyone would be running around with my favorite pet. Thank you, Blizz! (Note: I am not being sarcastic at all. I'm very happy my little frosty is still unique!)