pretty nice new cards but the question is can we catch em all!
SO much deathrattle!
The Dark Cultist looks interesting.His stats kinda work against him though.With a deathrattle effect like this, it's a bit hindering to have 4 hp.My guess would be that it might take a while before this fella actually dies.Same goes for the Voidcaller and he costs even 1 more mana.
I think the value comes from making the opponent choose what order to kill minions in. The cultist will need to be pushed back to the end of the chain, because of the buffs to other cards (might mean that your calcs don't work). As such, the Cultist can be buffed with things like Inner Fire and any stolen buff cards (Cold Blood, Mark of the Wild, etc.). Drop a taunt on it, and watch it buff your Lightspawn.
I wonder if you have a Dark Cultist and another minion with 4 or less health on the board and your opponent uses Flamestrike. Will the other minion get +3 health and survive or will the simultaneous damage will lead to no buff being given.
3/4 for 3 is something that's been lacking from the game to this point. Sure, it does less against Yeti and above, but on the flipside, it's one of the rare 3s that doesn't just die to the myriad of 3/2 for 2 minions out there.While I'd love a neutral 3/4 with no ability (to compensate for the fact that it's got perfectly on-curve stats, like Chillwind Yeti and Boulderfist Ogre), in priest arena this should be a pretty decent common. 4 health that early on also synergises well with the priest HP. In constructed, it doesn't seem to contribute enough to the current priest control strategies, though it could potentially be used in some sort of priest aggro/midrange deck combined with Inner Fire (though at a glance that doesn't sound very competitive).
New cards for my demon deck :)
Does anyone know how can we get those cards when Naxx is released? I assume that you will earn some of them by defeating the bosses of each wing. My other question is if anyone knows will we be able to open Naxx wings whenever we want once it has been released, or only for a limited period of time?
A 3 for 3/4 is really good by itself, this is insane. Although we won't see the deathrattle go off often. But still.