MORE RNG the devs are just deaf, this just guarantees it. WHY oh WHY is this random? Why can't we just select the affix we want from those 4 on the manual, and let that give us a random number?Why we need DOUBLE rng?Oh, pray you're lucky you get the RIGHT affix to move... then pray it's not just the base value... noice... yuhuu, S4 saved boys, D4 waaay > over PoE / LE/s
I mean, this is almost exactly like LE's crafting but more restricted. Sure its decent, but the main issue is that there aren't enough build diversity. Compare it to LE that you can do wild things with a single ability. You don't really have that choice in D4.
So basically copy and paste from last epoch can blizzard not come up with their own ideas anymore
Temper Manuals will take up a slot in your inventory. Still want it?