Nerfed in3...2...1...
The devs just wanted to play a game too but for them it's whack-a-mole
Thanks for the nerf :p
Here we go again....
I don't quite understand the need to nerf everything into a homogenized state. Even if everything gives the exact amount of exp and has the exact same amount of elites, people will choose whatever layout has the most convenient loop and do it. So maybe they should just buff other sources of EXP instead of nerfing everything. Not make it a neck breaking fast pace, but I kinda wouldn't mind 70+ to be like 10% faster or something reasonable. Cause it's pretty damn slow unless you have 3 friends to play with.
I can understand the nerfs in a way…look how long Diablo 3 lasted before it got boring and people stopped playing. It doesn’t have to be a rush to the end. Take your time and enjoy the game and don’t rush through it and get bored running the same thing over and over and over again
Not for long it isn't, lol.
blizzard is watching
Nerf the amount of XP you need from 70-100 it shouldn't take me an entire day to gain a level.
Someone tell Blizzard that there will be always a "best XP" farm even if it literally means 1 more extra mob compared to the other instances, so could they please stop nerfing everything into the ground and ruining the fun for everyone?
Good thing you posted this so they will know what to nerf next.
why not have a rotating buff like say every hour it picks 4 or 5 dungeons and gives 20 or 30% extra xp, but catch is can only run them x amount of times to get bonus. lets say first 5 dungeon runs during each hour gives the bonus. then it rotates to next ones etc. and not randomly, there's 120 dungeons or whatever. so that way not only are you travelling and doing other dungeons variety but gaining extra xp so you arent confined in doing same one over and over. or could tie into the tree of whisper also, give a schedule like tell you current dungeons that are buffed, and which ones are next etc.also could just do what should do in beginning and buff the underperforming ones to the ones that people find more efficient, but that apparently is to much work for them, so rather nerf them all instead. great logic.
Sweaties are going to be sweaty wherever they get that 0.1% advantage. I personally don't understand the need to run the same dungeon 40000 times to get to max level 2 days before others, but maybe that's just me. Heck, I was level 40 before I left the first Act and it was only because you need to finish Act 3 and the other campgains to unlock mounts/nightmare that I am not still in the 2nd zone. I'm enjoying the experience of it, and don't understand the need to be a week ahead of other players...