is intended to be a choice. Those of you saying you *have* to have a fast cast time because you *have* to spam
or you'll have no mana are arguing for the wrong thing, because I hope it's obvious that isn't the intent.
I know some of you are worried about your priest (and before that it was shaman and before that it was paladin and I probably missed druid in there somewhere) but we also have to rectify that with the performance and opinions of the players we see tackling the content on beta. If you want to be as helpful as possible, try to be very explicit with the situations and cases you feel your priest can't handle. The more detailed, the better. What spells are you casting? Which encounters? What feels different from Catclysm, remembering that you are no longer in end level gear?
We think it is possible to balance active vs passive regen. The key is in how healers use mana. Nobody needs infinite regen. You just need enough to heal a fight. If you consider a fight where you never have to heal, then
will crush any other mana return because you have so many free GCDs in which to spam it. However, you also don't need that mana for healing in the contrived fight with no healing. As fight intensity increases, the need for mana increases BUT the time available for
will work best on fights where there is very intensive healing followed by quiet periods in which you can nuke. But depending on the timing,
Geistbeuger might work for those fights just as well.
We don't like
with a cooldown because then you feel like you must use it on cooldown. With no cooldown, then is there is a continuum between fights where you have free time but need mana and fights where every cast time must be spent on a heal. The choice becomes the priest's.
I'm still seeing a lot of "I need to spam
so make it more spamable" responses. You're not going to convince us with that argument. Let us know in what specific situations you are struggling with mana and what types of spells you are trying to cast. That is the actual issue in our minds.
I am also still seeing a lot of "we have provided you with the evidence." I wouldn't be asking if you had. There are maybe 3 links to parses and a couple more with any kinds of numbers at all. If you feel it is that easy to make your case, then make it. :)
As an aside, the only thing we didn't like about
Ausgebrannte Glyphe as active mana generation was that it scaled too well with gear (in 4.3) and would have been a mandaory glyph (in 5.0).
It's a very common thing that when people feel they aren't being listened to they complain louder and more frequently.