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Neue Belohnungen und Titel für Ruhm in Ketten der Herrschaft
13.04.2021 um 16:34
Wir haben eine erste Liste der neuen Ruhmbelohnungen gedatamint, die in Ketten der Herrschaft dazu kommen. Dia maximale Ruhmstufe wird auf 80 angehoben.
Zu den Belohnungen gehören neue Abenteueraufwertungen, Seelenbandreihen, Kapitel der Paktkampagne, mehr Anima aus den Weltquests, verbesserte Medienreihen und Titel:
Kyrianer: <Character Name>, Disciple of Devotion
Nekrolords: <Character Name>, Sword of the Primus
Nachtfae: <Character Name>, Protector of the Weald
Venthyr: Sin Eater <Character Name>
Auf Ruhmstufe 48 werden zudem
Pakt-Pepes verfügbar
PTR 9.1 Build 38312 Datamining
Identität des Primus enthüllt - ACHTUNG SPOILER
Letzten beiden Bosse des Sanktums der Herrschaft droppen höhere Gegenstandsstufe
Maximale Anzahl an Kampfhaustieren entfernt
Abenteuerführer & Beute
Schlachtzugstest am 16. April
Garrosh Höllschrei in Torghast
Bonuswürfe in Patch 9.1
Bossliste fürs Sanktum der Herrschaft
Mythisch Sanktum der Herrschaft Raid-Reittier - Vengeance
Patch 9.1 PTR-Patchnotes
Separate Schultertransmogs
Neue Belohnungen & Titel für Ruhm
Neue Torghast-Ebenen & -Erfolge
PTR auf Patch 9.1 aktualisiert
Klassen- & Systemänderungen
Mögliches Nachtfae-Druinden-Legendary
Zauber- & Seelenbandänderungen
Paktspezifische Legendarys
Neue Seelenband-Tiers, Medienplätze & Fähigkeiten
Patch 9.1 Paktrüstungssets
Kosmetische Brillen
Oribos-Skybox wird schwarz
Bossmodell: Remnant of Ner'zhul
Kreaturen- & NPC-Modelle
Neue Reittiermodelle
Pakt-Modelle für Pepe
Das Primus-Modell
Sylvanas' Banshee-Modell
Kyrian Renown Level: 43
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 67
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 77
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 42
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: You may access Kleia's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 68
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: Niya's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 78
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 42
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Necrolord Renown Level: 79
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: Emeni's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 56
Name: Kyrian Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 70
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: Dreamweaver's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 80
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Title Unlocked
Reward: Character Title: <Character Name>, Sword of the Primus
Kyrian Renown Level: 55
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: You may access Pelagos's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 71
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: Korayn's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 47
Name: Venthyr Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 54
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: You may access Kleia's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 71
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 46
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Kyrian Renown Level: 52
Name: Kyrian Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 52
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 72
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: Niya's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 46
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: You may access Nadjia's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 51
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: You may access Pelagos's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 73
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: Niya's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 45
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Mount Unlocked
Reward: Mount: Sinfall Gargon
Tracking Quest
Night Fae Renown Level: 73
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Night Fae grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Venthyr Renown Level: 45
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: You may access Theotar's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 64
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: Kleia's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 74
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: Korayn's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 44
Name: Venthyr Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 30
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: You may access Pelagos's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 75
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: Dreamweaver's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 43
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: You may access Nadjia's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 60
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Kyrian grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Kyrian Renown Level: 34
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: You may access Kleia's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 76
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 43
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 31
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: You may access Mikanikos's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 77
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: Korayn's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 42
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Kyrian Renown Level: 58
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 30
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 78
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: Niya's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 42
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: You may access Theotar's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 34
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: You may access Princess Emeni's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 79
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: Dreamweaver's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 41
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: You may access Draven's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 69
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: Mikanikos's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 31
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 80
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Title Unlocked
Reward: Character Title: <Character Name>, Protector of the Weald
Kyrian Renown Level: 67
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 41
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 55
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: You may access Nadjia's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 66
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: Pelagos's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 42
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: You may access Emeni's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 54
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: You may access Theotar's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 42
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Venthyr Renown Level: 53
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: You may access Draven's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 76
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 30
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: You may access Nadjia's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 43
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 52
Name: Venthyr Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 74
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: Mikanikos's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 73
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Kyrian grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Venthyr Renown Level: 34
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: You may access Theotar's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 43
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 52
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 73
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: Pelagos's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 31
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: You may access General Draven's finaleighth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 44
Name: Necrolord Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 51
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: You may access Nadjia's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 71
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: Mikanikos's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 80
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Title Unlocked
Reward: Character Title: <Character Name>, Disciple of Devotion
Necrolord Renown Level: 45
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Mount Unlocked
Reward: Mount: Plaguerot Tauralus
Venthyr Renown Level: 50
Name: Venthyr Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 79
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: Kleia's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 45
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: You may access Emeni's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 49
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: You may access Theotar's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 46
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Venthyr Renown Level: 48
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: You may access Draven's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 46
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 48
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Pepe Unlocked
Reward: Item: A Tiny Sinstone
Ein winziger Sündenstein
Necrolord Renown Level: 47
Name: Necrolord Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 64
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: Theotar's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 48
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 42
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: You may access Dreamweaver's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 48
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Pepe Unlocked
Reward: Item: A Tiny Vial of Slime
Eine winzige Phiole mit Schleim
Venthyr Renown Level: 62
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: Draven's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 42
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Necrolord Renown Level: 49
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: You may access Emeni's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 61
Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
Description: You and the Venthyr continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 43
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: You may access Niya's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 50
Name: Necrolord Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 61
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: Theotar's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 43
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 51
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 60
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Venthyr grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Night Fae Renown Level: 44
Name: Night Fae Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 52
Name: Necrolord Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 59
Name: Venthyr Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 75
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: Theotar's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 53
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 65
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Necrolord Renown Level: 52
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 58
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Night Fae Renown Level: 45
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Mount Unlocked
Reward: Mount: Enchanted Shadeleaf Runestag
Verzauberter Schattenblattrunenhirsch
Venthyr Renown Level: 58
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 45
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: You may access Dreamweaver's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 57
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: You may access Draven's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 46
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Necrolord Renown Level: 55
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: You may access Plague Deviser Marileth's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 71
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: Draven's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 75
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: Kleia's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 46
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: You may access Niya's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 56
Name: Necrolord Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 71
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 47
Name: Night Fae Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 57
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: You may access Bonesmith Heirmir's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 70
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: Theotar's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 58
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Necrolord Renown Level: 58
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Kyrian Renown Level: 65
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: Mikanikos's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 50
Name: Kyrian Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 69
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: Draven's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 48
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Pepe Unlocked
Reward: Item: A Tiny Winter Staff
Ein winziger Winterstab
Necrolord Renown Level: 58
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 68
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: Nadjia's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 54
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: You may access Emeni's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 56
Name: Venthyr Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Venthyr Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 49
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: You may access Dreamweaver's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 59
Name: Necrolord Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Necrolord Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 67
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: Theotar's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 61
Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
Description: You and the Kyrian continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 50
Name: Night Fae Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 60
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Necrolord grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Venthyr Renown Level: 67
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 70
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: Kleia's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 51
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: You may access Niya's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 61
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: Emeni's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 48
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: You may access Koryan's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 52
Name: Night Fae Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 61
Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
Description: You and the Night Fae continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 65
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Night Fae Renown Level: 41
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: You may access Koryan's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 52
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 62
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 65
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: Draven's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 78
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: Pelagos's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 53
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: You may access Koryan's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 63
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 80
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Title Unlocked
Reward: Character Title: Sin Eater <Character Name>
Kyrian Renown Level: 72
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: Pelagos's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 68
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: Pelagos's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 63
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: Pelagos's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 54
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: You may access Dreamweaver's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Dreamweaver Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 79
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Theotar
Description: Theotar's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Theotar Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 55
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: You may access Niya's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Niya Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 65
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Venthyr Renown Level: 78
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: Nadjia's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 56
Name: Night Fae Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 65
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 77
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: Draven's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 66
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: Nadjia's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 60
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Night Fae grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Necrolord Renown Level: 66
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 76
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 77
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: Mikanikos's sixth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 67
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: Emeni's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 63
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: Nadjia's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 58
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 67
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 74
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Draven
Description: Draven's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Draven Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 62
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: Mikanikos's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 57
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: You may access Mikanikos's twelfth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 53
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: You may access Mikanikos's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 58
Name: World Quest Anima Rewards
Description: The amount of anima received from World Quest Rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Anima Rewards Increased
Reward: Quest:
Necrolord Renown Level: 68
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 73
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Venthyr grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Kyrian Renown Level: 48
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Mikanikos
Description: You may access Mikanikos's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Mikanikos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 59
Name: Night Fae Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Night Fae Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 69
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 73
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: Nadjia's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 73
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 69
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: Korayn's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 61
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: Dreamweaver's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 70
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: Emeni's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Venthyr Renown Level: 72
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Nadjia
Description: Nadjia's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Nadjia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 57
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: You may access Koryan's final row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Korayn Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 61
Name: Unrated PvP Item Level
Description: You and the Night Fae continue to impress Cartel Zo, allowing you to further upgrade your Unrated PvP equipment to Rank 7.
Note: Unrated PvP Max Rank Increase Available
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 71
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 48
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Pepe Unlocked
Reward: Item: A Tiny Pair of Wings
Ein winziges Paar Schwingen
Kyrian Renown Level: 61
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: Kleia's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 49
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: You may access Kleia's eleventh row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 67
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: Kleia's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 62
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: Korayn's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 71
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 47
Name: Kyrian Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 63
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: Niya's first row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 72
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Marileth
Description: Plague Deviser Marileth's fourth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Marileth Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 46
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Kyrian Renown Level: 71
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 64
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: Dreamweaver's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 45
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Kleia
Description: You may access Kleia's tenth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Kleia Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 64
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: Emeni's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 65
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Korayn
Description: Korayn's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Korayn Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 73
Name: (Empty)
Description: Your connection with the Necrolords grows, increasing Stamina by 2%.
Note: Stamina Increased
Reward: Spell:
Vertiefendes Band
Kyrian Renown Level: 45
Name: (Empty)
Description: (Empty)
Note: Mount Unlocked
Reward: Mount: Phalynx of Purity
Phalynx der Reinheit
Tracking Quest
Night Fae Renown Level: 65
Name: World Quest Rewards
Description: The item level of your World Quest rewards is increased.
Note: World Quest Max Item Level Increased
Reward: Quest:
Necrolord Renown Level: 74
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Heirmir
Description: Bonesmith Heirmir's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Heirmir Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 44
Name: Kyrian Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 66
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Niya
Description: Niya's second row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Niya Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 75
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Emeni
Description: Emeni's fifth row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Emeni Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 43
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Pelagos
Description: You may access Pelagos's ninth row of Soulbind traits.
Note: Pelagos Soulbind Row Unlocked
Reward: (Empty)
Kyrian Renown Level: 59
Name: Kyrian Campaign
Description: The next chapter of the Kyrian Campaign will become available.
Reward: (Empty)
Night Fae Renown Level: 67
Name: Soulbind Upgrade: Dreamweaver
Description: Dreamweaver's third row of conduits is enhanced.
Note: Dreamweaver Conduit Row Enhanced
Reward: (Empty)
Necrolord Renown Level: 76
Name: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Description: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Note: New Adventure Upgrade Available
Reward: (Empty)
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