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Some way to automatically turn off auto-cast for pet
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OK, I don't know if I'm doing this wrong, but I keep having to repeat the following:
1) Go into pet's spell book
2) Right-click "Call of the Wild" to turn off autocast.
3) After zoning, go back to 1.
Isn't there some way to PERMANENTLY put pet abilities on "click for cast only?" I'm getting tired of having to manually toggle them off every time I log on or zone.
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It mainly seems to do it for the abilities that aren't on the bar...I wish I could figure out how to REMOVE "attack" from the pet bar...I just use a macro with attack in there, I NEVER click on the stupid thing.
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Blizz has said that they plan on overhauling the pet bar, iirc.
They also said we would get special ammo in 3.1.
And for how long have pet classes (Warlocks, Hunters) been complaining about the "Mob/Pet Tango" where your pet and a mob run off in a random direction for a mile or so for no readily apparent reason.
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This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
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I usually break it with the following macro:
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