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Pointless bringing a rogue to a raid.
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I am more than certain that Ippon is referring to current content's hardmodes, more importantly Anub'arak HM. Now, do you really play Mutilate on Anub? If so, that's a poor choice, to say the least.
Yar. Almost everything in ToC favors Combat. I'm betting he doesn't have parses like
though. =p
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Meh, all i get to do on Anub is to
ToTT adds
Still, Combat >> Mutilate for ToC hardmodes.
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With a 2200 gear score, I did 5500 dps on Gormock 25, and even managed 4600 dps on Jeraxxus while nailing a total of 24 interupts on him. I also do about 5k dps on koralon.
I am not complaining at all. I can only imagine what happens when I get my hands on some 245 daggers and the full T9 set. I am wearing heroic gear, with two pieces of T8. lol
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I am more than certain that Ippon is referring to current content's hardmodes, more importantly Anub'arak HM. Now, do you really play Mutilate on Anub? If so, that's a poor choice, to say the least.
anub25 hero is the only fight that REQUIRES to be combat specced. other fights i stay mutilate. (even in toc hero, no need to go combat)
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I am more than certain that Ippon is referring to current content's hardmodes, more importantly Anub'arak HM. Now, do you really play Mutilate on Anub? If so, that's a poor choice, to say the least.
anub25 hero is the only fight that REQUIRES to be combat specced. other fights i stay mutilate. (even in toc hero, no need to go combat)
Icehowl? Stunned? Halp?
Jaraxxus? Portals? Volcanos? Halp?
Twin Valkyr? Shields? Halp?
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I cant speak for anub 25 Hero but i can say that i'm mutilate in ever raid i go to and i sustain 5k+ i can reach in upwards of 6.5k on Gormack but if you cant get 5k on a single target boss that only has a knockdown AOE than you shouldnt be in ToC IMO.
i am gearing for combat atm but i always out dps combat rogues...always, maybe its their fault of mine either way i dont see the hug difference as long as the DPS is put out what spec you are...I did 9.5k the last time I did beasts, as Combat. So you definitely lost.
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There happens to be a signifigant gap between your gear and mine. if I was 100% ToC 25 heroic geared id put out 9k+ too.Doubtful.
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I suck huh? Did I mention that those 3k was without buffs? If you've ever been hateful on your rogue, and i mean full, you would've had around 2,5-2,7k ap, which is not enough to do 3k as a rogue, not to mention the other lack of stats. I'm having no problem doing great dps. This is not a question about me sucking, it's a simple fact to say that rogues are behind other classes who brings buffs. Maybe you suck and fail at reading?Oh, you mean like the 2572 AP I have in my Sunwell gear? To go along with my stellar 18% crit and 109/100 DPS weapons? The ones I did
3629 DPS
on Jaraxxus with?
You won't win this argument.
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QQ Blade of Savagery. I got the Blade of Infamy on first MH run and was running with ZA off-hand, waiting for Blade of Savagery for ages :(
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The people who can spec mele, but can also spec range, are prob gonna come as range, and only switch to mele spec if the fight calls for it, so you are exaggerating, and QQ'in in vain. Plus, in any fight that requires everyone to stack on the mob, hunters are screwd >.>
They are not "probably gonna come as range". Gearing for a caster class and gearing for a melee class are extremely exclusive of one another and when they pick a gear path changing is an amazing pain in toc 25+ gear. Shamans you might have a case for, because resto and ele gear is practically the same, so a resto shaman might offspec ele and vice versa, but if hes enhance geared, from leveling, and gets enhance gear in heroics and from badges, he will probably NOT just be "probably coming as range". For a druid, the two rare groups of players, tanks and healers, are covered in 2 specs, so you have an almost equal ratio of tanks to casters and the tanks would do melee dps if they had to, they wouldnt go pull out 500 ilevel lower moonkin gear instead. They will melee. And those are the only 2 classes with optional ranged specs.
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This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
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The people who can spec mele, but can also spec range, are prob gonna come as range, and only switch to mele spec if the fight calls for it, so you are exaggerating, and QQ'in in vain. Plus, in any fight that requires everyone to stack on the mob, hunters are screwd >.>
They are not "probably gonna come as range". Gearing for a caster class and gearing for a melee class are extremely exclusive of one another and when they pick a gear path changing is an amazing pain in toc 25+ gear. Shamans you might have a case for, because resto and ele gear is practically the same, so a resto shaman might offspec ele and vice versa, but if hes enhance geared, from leveling, and gets enhance gear in heroics and from badges, he will probably NOT just be "probably coming as range". For a druid, the two rare groups of players, tanks and healers, are covered in 2 specs, so you have an almost equal ratio of tanks to casters and the tanks would do melee dps if they had to, they wouldnt go pull out 500 ilevel lower moonkin gear instead. They will melee. And those are the only 2 classes with optional ranged specs.
Occasionally, you come across a shockadin, but it's been a long, long time since that was a viable spec (holy ranged dps specced paladin, for people not familiar with the phrase). Then again, I met a hunter yesterday that insisted on meleeing (level 41 in ZF). *faceplant*
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lol another time the flamewar starts.
EDIT: @pessimistick: gz to your dps, im still a little behind the 10k wall but i need only a couple of pieces then i can switch to ToC gear finally.
sure, combat perform better, but muti still remains viable (not on anub 25h, where you really need to go combat).
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