当玩家选择以下专精时可获得本物品:- 圣骑士:
- 战士:
- 死亡骑士:
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect (Normal Lookalike)
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect (Heroic Recolor)
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect (Heroic Lookalike)
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect (Mythic Recolor)
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect (Mythic Lookalike)
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect (Raid Finder Recolor)
- Warplate of the Obsidian Aspect (Raid Finder Lookalike)
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