This is referring to
this ability
. This spell is like Illhoof's sacrifice ability, in that one player is randomly hit with it, that player is paralyzed and takes damage over time, and the chains... I mean Ice Tomb has to be DPS'd down before the person inside bites the dust. Normally, you would all switch your DPS to the one tombed, but I think this is asking you to let it tick for its full duration which would equate to 8000 damage over 20s on top of having a person unusable for a whole 20s.
My group got really lucky. Our mage had a lot of frost resist and he got targeted twice and resisted both of the tombs. So resisting them count aswell.
its actually not impossible to just heal through the tombs..as a resto druid i kept everyone up through them and had a soulstone to res myself when i got tombed...main thing to watch for as a healer is adds..they hit me for around 1k each on 7k armour, dps need to deal with them quickly if tanks in tomb.
I've been in several runs in which this achievement has been earned/attempted. The hardest part in my experience is to avoid accidently shattering them, partiularly if you're trying to AoE down the adds. My DPS warrior buddy botched it for us the first time by breaking my tomb with a whirlwind crit.
Just have your tank grab minimal aggro on the adds (more won't spawn, he instead ressurects them after they've been killed for a while) with thunder clap/consecrate/swipe/death and decay, and keep single-target dps on the boss for the entire fight.
One of the easier heroic boss achievements.
as u enter the room facing the boss, she will walk from right to left and stay a few secs at each position
make sure u tank her on the right side, coz that's where the skeletons spwn from
dps boss vhard, and let tank pull the adds when they spwan with aoe warr TC, pala conscrate, druids swipe, DK DnD or some other ^&*! :P
anyway kill the adds with single targeting and then keep nuking the boss, just make sure no1 aoe
i'm a druid tank with glyph of mangle, since one of the melle could get caught in the area i used mangle and lacrate mainly and was really carful on mangle achiv done
this was quite easy for our group to do with the composition unholy dk, frost dk, druid, shammy, rogue
MotW+Frost resistance totem gave us 130 frost resistance which is 'fair'
Also, both the DKs were human which made getting out of the blocks easy, the rogue would cloak of shadows, and if the druid got blocked I (the shammy) off healed
GL :)
just to note that if a mage gets ice tombed.. you CAN blink out of it and that will not count as a shatter
If you PVP trinket out of the tomb you do NOT get the achievement anymore.
Does anyone know if
Heroic Fury
can be used by Fury Warriors without preventing this achievement?
Who's the jerk that said Paladin bubbles worked? :P
Achieved this tonight, as a result of two dying, our healer (Resto Shaman) and Fury Warrior. I was a DK Frost Tank.
Heroic Fury does not work, I am told. (Currently speaking to the group.)
A Paladin bubbling our Shaman also did not work.
Every Man For Himself (the Human Racial) did work. The PvP trinket also worked.
It is a stun, not an immobilization effect, just so people are aware.
Group makeup was a Retadin, DK Frost Tank, Resto Shaman, Boomkin and Fury Warrior.
Despite the two dying, they still got the achievement.
Used both PvP Trinket and Master's Call a sec ago and didn't get Achievement.
How bout druids shapeshifting?
Not sure if this is bugged: tried it with the setup Boomkin x2-feral druid(tank) -holy priest and a fury warrior,
we did everything correct,did never break the frost tombs,not even the pvp trinket we used,still when he was dead,no achievment earned...so im not sure if ur NOT supposed to heal the one who is frost tombed...
I'm not sure how I did this achievement to be honest... I must have gotten lucky somehow because the boss tombed about 5 times during the encounter (despite decent dps) but actually tombed only our mage once who IBed it out.
Only thing I could think of is my Improved Spell Reflection always being up when he frost tombed. I'd like a confirmation from somebody to know for certain if SR works on Frost Tomb, thanks.
Ugh is it really just my horrible luck that I, as a holy priest, get frost tombed at least 90% of the time when trying this achievement? Anyone have any advice? I even used my trinket; still got tombed the next time : / I've tried this achievement at least 4 times.
If it hasn't been said already, dying while encased in a frost tomb WILL NOT grant your group the achievement, even if you don't shatter any others.
Be VERY carefull with AoE, the Icetomb is a damageable object... Be carefull not to aoe on it.
Especially retribution paladins, if your tank gets tombed.
I would like to mention that as a mage, with a bit of luck, Mirror Image can make Prince waste 2, maybe even 3 Ice Tombs if timed well. Whenever he would cast it on me, he'd cast it on one of the images instead, which has no effect whatsoever - tomb wasted. Hope it help!
Bugged or changed in 3.0.8. No tombs were broken, but one was trinketed. Achievement was not gained. I know the tomb wasn't broken because only 2 were cast, and I watched one tick to 0, and I trinketed the other the moment it was cast.
we go, resto shaman, me (fury war), rogue, DK tank, hunter.
WE failed. Resto shaman got frost tombed first and he died there, no1 attacked the tombs. He used reincarnation, and we finished fast the battle. only rogue got 1 more tomb and boss was down.
No achievement :( WTF O_o
We will try again with 2 healers or at least a class that can off heal if main healer is tombed.
Stupid achievement :/
Put your naxx frost resist gear on. I had 417 FR with a pally aura and resisted every tomb cast on me.
I can confirm that as of Patch 3.0.8 PVP trinkets/Blink/Ice block/people dying in the ice blocks this will make the arcievement fail.
With new patch PvP Trinket no work
anymore! Blizz fixed it!
You need 1 main healer and 1 class who can heal frozen target.
Tried this today as a rogue and when i got put into the tomb i tried to Cloak of shadows outof it and it doesnt work.
Says you cant use this while stunned.
for cloak of shadows to work, you need to use it right before he casts the ice tomb on you, since cloak of shadows gives a 90% chance to become immune to magic, it doesn't break you out, instead it makes you more likely to resist getting in it in the first place. That's why it didn't work after you were stunned.
I got this achievement as one of my earlier ones back when WotLK was young using PVP trinkets and Master's Call to break the ice.
Since then I've formed a group to do all of the Heroic Glory achievements. Last night (February 18th) I went back to help my new friends get this achievement and the same tactic failed to earn us the achievement.
This is either bugged or you are no longer allowed to trinket out of the ice without ruining the critera for the achievement.
If you bring an unholy dk with you, then he can not dps near an ice tomb. Damage from
Wandering Plague
will hit the frost tombs and kill them. Unfortunately there is no way short of a respec to fix this.
If the person in the Ice Tomb dies from the damage it deals, then you won't get the achievement. The person dying counts as breaking the ice.
We had a pretty good group of fury warrior, retribution paladin, enhancement shaman, protection warrior and restoration shaman today and killed the boss in 38 secs. We didn't even see a frost tomb so this achievement is done now :-)
This achievement, like many of them, appears to simply be buggy. I did this in a group that I know FOR A FACT did not destroy any of the tombs (I was the healer and was watching very closely). It is not terribly difficult to heal through the tomb damage while keeping the tank up, especially if you are a druid (lifebloom) or a holy pally (beacon). Since I did the healing, I know all the tombs were up for full duration, and our group comp was me (druid), warrior tank, 2 rogues and a hunter. The rogues did not use FoK, the hunter did not use Volley; I know what each of those abilities looks/sounds like and I can confirm they were not used. Pure single target DPS, no damage was done to any of the tombs, and the group was good enough not to bother killing the adds. None of us were humans (we're Horde) or had PvP trinkets equipped. Four tombs were cast during the fight and I healed through all of them. None of us got the achievement. :(
Unfortunately the bug makes it difficult to know what abilities do or do not disqualify you. Since some people have reported success by using trinket/blink/racials etc., my guess would be that they are not disqualifying, and that people who use them and fail are simply unlucky.
Edit: no one in the party died, either, so that wasn't the reason. I got tombed once but had pre-stacked HoTs on the tank so he did not die (though I had to pop Tranquility immediately after the tomb broke). Moral of the story, don't bang your head against the wall wondering what you did wrong to fail this achievement; you probably didn't do anything wrong! Just try again tomorrow. It's actually not that difficult and I expect to get it soon.
Prince Keleseth got served on the rocks.
Watch out for aoe, my group was doing this, and tomb died from just consecrate from the tank. Kinda bumed out the whole group. Just a heads up.
Kill in two tombs, one lasted the full duration and the second was targeted at a mage who then Blinked out of it. Did not get the achievement.
I don't know how no one said this, but "On the rocks" often refers to straight liquor served with ice. The ice pieces are the "rocks". Thus, by not destroying the ice tombs, you have your encounter "On the rocks" :)
If you're missing this achievement just tell your heroic group (assuming you use LFD) not to break the ice or use abilities to escape it (some count as breaking it) and it's cake. Any normal random heroic group nowadays can burn down the Prince without worrying about the tombs.
while i was looking for the elders, i just had a look at the achievments and saw that i still need this one. i was soloing it, but i thought, i'll give it a try. played as lvl 85 blood/unholy dk and after like 5 fails in blood spec and one in unholy i decided to try just one more time in unholy. killed a couple of mobs in the next room to get unholy strength buff then i ran back towards boss, used str trink, unholy frenzy and started summoning my army, but it accidently aggroed the boss. nvm that, i quickly summoned my regular ghoul , then diseases and i poped anti-magic shell. when i was close to fade off, i poped icebound fortitude and in few seconds boss was dead and i got the achiev. i also had pvp trink rdy, but didn't have a chance to use it. oh and i called my gorgoyle in the meantime.
some info about the tob itself true for 4.0.3 patch:
1. it's instant cast spell
2. doesn't need LoS, so i can forget about pulling him to the beginning and running around the forge while my ghoul kills him ;p
3. as it lasts 20 seconds when it fades off, u have a chance to use 1 instant spell, before it's applayed again
4. i was kinda shocked when i check'd my combat log and saw that his melee swing crit for over 16k on my AoD ghoul
5. not sure how long did fight last, but there was only 2 messages that he failed to ice-tomb me
basically the point here is that it is soloable if you just have some sort of immunity to magic/stun for few seconds and can sustain propper dps
If anyone cares to know, no one in the group actually has to get frozen, it will work if you kill him before he is able to cast it on anyone.
if you are a hunter a nice trick is to watch the door-way where the skeleton's come out they will pause at the door for a brief second, and FD they will no longer come out of the door, found this during when i was trying to FD before he casted Frost Tomb thingy on me
I just attempted to solo this as a prot pally in ilvl 353 gear. Using a pvp trinket counts as breaking the ice block and I did not get the achievement. However I used the tank trinket from TB right before he was about to ice block me a few times and it prevented it so try that if you have it.
Edit: I tried to solo this again in ret spec with about 13k dps and was able to burn him down very fast and get the achievement. He only tried to ice block me once and I was able to block it using the tank trinket (Mirror of Broken Images) from Tol Barad.
85 Frost DK - Army of the Dead - used all damage trinkets.
When first ice block hits, let army keep hitting him and do nothing, wait the damage out and spam AMS soon as it's ended.
That way you'll shield the 2nd and can finish him off easily.
The frost tomb doesn't do that much damage to a 120k health toon.
I believe I had some rather... special luck with this achievement.
I've been soloing most of the Glory of the Hero achievements, and I was certain this WAS soloable, err, somehow.
Harshly 10 minutes before now, I discovered it could be for my particular class.
I have a level 85 Blood Death Knight, and he was also in the Blood presence at the time. I was pondering how I could kill Keleseth with 40 or even 30 seconds (which is absolutely insane, really), since all my 7 or 8 previous attempts resulted in a) Death by Frost Tomb and the elf's damn skeletons, or b) I simply got Frost Tombed and thus lost the achievement. But then, it simply dawned on me when I read the Icebound Fortitude's ability description. "The Death Knight freezes his blood to
become immune to Stun effects
." I never tried to use trinkets, although I thought about buying one.
It was quite noticeable that Keleseth ALWAYS cast Frost Tomb after he yells his "Aranal, ledel!" sounding gibberish. Soloed, however. But I suppose he does the same with groups.
After dealing with the vrykul and letting my Runes refresh, I cast Army of the Dead, Raise Dead and then Dancing Rune Weapon. Since Army of Dead pulls so much aggro, it had happened before that some Frost Tomb casts failed. Your character just turned blue and was very slightly slowed down, but it wasn't a stun effect and didn't count as one.
After he gave me his cue yell, I immediately cast Icebound and spammed Death Strike and Heart Strike, saving the Rune Strikes (which use Runic power) for when I ran out of Runes to use, and when that happened, used the Empower Rune Weapon to refresh ALL runes. He DID end up casting a Tomb over my DK, but Keleseth was already at about 10% health and my Undead Minion finished him off since the Army managed the elf's own personal guard. During the fight, I ran and jumped around Keleseth as much as I could while still hitting him. I have no idea if that truly affects anything but in my experience it did.
The only reason I never used and I don't recommend using Death and Decay is because as far as I know it may shatter the Frost Tombs. But quite frankly, I was too skeptical to ever experiment with it so feel free to try it yourself!
Good luck to all who try this strategy or method, and if not, in getting it with your group!
PS. I did not, and do not use a private server. This was live on the Nordrassil server.
I don't know if it was blind luck, but as an enhancement shaman, just zerging the guy with elementals and wolves seemed to do the trick.
They continued to take him down as the skeletons came, and they ran to the elementals.
I took almost no damage during the fight at all, I got tombed once and just waited it out.
After reading the other comments, I did this solo on an 85 BM hunter. I burned him down just as he was casting Frost Tomb. I had saved Bestial Wrath for this.
Just soloed on my BE Survival Hunter (iLvl 369), but took two tries.
The only reason was the first run through, I had 3 consecutive Frost Tombs cast on me, and that with the Skeletons whacking away at me as well, just whittled down my health too much. /sigh
2nd time around, Just as the Skeletons were summoned, I Feigned Death. They ran back to the doorway and just stood there while my bear was still attacking Keleseth. I jumped back up, healed my bear, and managed a few more DoT shots on Keleseth before Frost Tomb hit me. By the time it broke (on it's own), Kele was down to about 10K. Healed bear again, and finished Kele off...Boom! Achievement!
Just solo it. Veeery easy with 85 Survival Hunter ilvl 394. He did not even find time to put a Frost Tomb.
Very easy to solo at level 90. I got this first go by killing him quickly enough that he doesn't cast the ice tomb.
At 120 just one shot him for the achievement.
you can just one shot him as of Battle for Azeroth for the achievement
Nuke it.
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