"As a final act, Anachronos forged two mystical artifacts: the Scarab Gong and the Scepter of the Shifting Sands. The dragon entrusted the scepter to Fandral. Should the need ever arise to enter Ahn'Qiraj again, he could use this artifact to open the Scarab Wall.
Fandral found no solace in ending the qiraji threat, for Valstann's death still tormented his heart. In his rage, he shattered the Scepter of the Shifting Sands, and the pieces became lost for the next thousand years."
Warcraft Chronicle Volume One, page 148.
To Whom It May Concern,
How I love these games that we play.
I can only assume that if you are reading this letter, you have somehow, through miracle or divine intervention, managed to vanquish me. Preposterous, I know, but stranger things have happened in the history of this world.
As with all things in life, there is a glorious, silver lining of tragedy, chaos, and evil to this sorrowful tale. While you have slain me, you have done so in such a slow and disorderly fashion that I have had time enough to write this letter AFTER I destroyed your only hope of saving this world. The crushed red crystal powder is all that is left of your scepter shard.
Enjoy the Nemesis and Stormrage armaments that you may find in my treasure trove. Believe me when I tell you this: I take great pleasure in knowing that I did what my father could not...
Lord Victor Nefarius
The Blue Dragonflight believes that you are fated for greater things than even I could predict.
Despite what some would have you believe, our world needs heroes. In your darkest hour, when you face the blight of Kalimdor, recall the epic journies, trials, and tribulations that you undertook for an old gnome and let those memories lift your spirits.
Narain Soothfancy
P.S. Sorry about the repair costs.
<name>, Champion of the Bronze Dragonflight has rung the Scarab Gong. The ancient gates of Ahn'Qiraj open, revealing the horrors of a forgotten war...
Massive Qiraji resonating crystals break through the earthen crust of Kalimdor. Colossal creatures made of obsidian stone breach the freshly broken land...
Colossus of Zora casts its massive shadow upon the whole of Silithus.
Colossus of Ashi breaks free of its cocoon beneath Hive'Ashi.
Colossus of Regal hears the call to battle and rises to serve its master.
General Rajaxx yells: Soon you will know the price of your meddling, mortals... The master is nearly whole... And when he rises, your world will cease.