originally this phase had only naxxramas, but so far every SoD phase since p4 has gotten : one WB raid, one weekly raid, one twice-a-week raidso the real question is : which one is the WB and which one is the twice-a-week raid, between the scarlet crusade and the karazhan things ?
Notice how there are only 5 people around the fire outside of Karazhan in the picture..... I wouldn't get your hopes up for a raid.
I wouldn't be surprised if they decide to iterate on some more SOD phases. I suppose it depends on how dead it gets at phase 7 though with the new anniversary realms coming out. If there is still at least strong raid logging I would not be surprised if they don't cook a bit.
This is such a let down.Like yeah cool, they remembered Kara and SM.Why did they wait 6 phases to do ANYTHING unfinished beyond stealing a private servers ability system and barebones pvp events that also look and feel like they belong on or came from a private server.Why is the !only! content released otherwise just the most disliked dungeons turned into raids as the only endgame content, and som versions of 60 raids?Where is ANYTHING else clearly in the game that is unfinished, cut, or otherwise not implemented?
Pretty sad state on SoD. People were expecting fresh stuff with SoD. All we got was WOTLK powerlevels to rush through bad classic raids MC-NAXX with SoM tactics. And then we get Kara + Scarled Crusade. SoD Should actually start after the Naxxramas. Wheres they Hyjal zone questing stuff new events. Aszhara PvP event. Uldaman / Grim Batol stuff ? Plenty to go more. Do the stuff classic devs wanted to do before rushing TBC out...
I fully agree with you VeganFox, there are so much that could be done simply by placing Chromie inside the lore. This could allow to explore remaining and unaccessibles areas thus giving more content.
with the task 'get most done with shortest amount of time' this tends to be what the human dev does.