You don't. Get main up to level 80. If you start an alt that needs two specs, most likely a pally, druid, or shammy, then send him some gold. My guy is 78 and can make easily 2000 gold a day, I expect 80 is a bit better with heroics and whatnot.
No, alright here imagine yorue a hunter.You spec BM and MM.You want to switch mm to svgo to youre friendly class trainerand unlearn mmspec sv for you 2nd specthere you go
This post was from a user who has deleted their account.
Stop saying toon.Otherwise awesome!
Okay. This is totally pointless to be honest. I spec the way I like for my play style and hardly ever respec on any of my characters. And I have 9 active characters on 1 server currently ranging from level 18 to 78. All classes except Priest on that server. I'm not 80 so don't get invited to raids or heroics which is fine with me. For now.Gold. If gold is such a trivial matter, then why do we have gold sites coming into the game trying to sell the stuff for REAL money? And I see for once that I am not the only one who isn't walking around with all my characters at money cap and having to buy some junk item (potion, armor repair, etc) from a vendor just so I can loot some money from a corpse or get money from a quest. The amount of gold needed for this game BEGS PEOPLE TO BUY IT FROM SITES ILLEGALLY and risk getting BANNED. I thought Blizzard was all about putting this out of business? They make sure to plaster the notice to "report spam" on gold sellers when they clutter up your chat window yet are trying to give them business with every action otherwise. I only just got my BASIC flying mount 3 days ago on my level 78 and can't even think about it for anyone else until I can get another 1000 gold. And I have 2 other characters at 60+ and nearly 70 so barrelling down on the flight skill.Why would we need to respec on the fly anyway? Like someone previously said in a post, get gear/glyphs/talents and BE a tank if you want to tank or a healer if you want to heal or whatever. As the quote goes, "Know your role!" Of course, with the talent trees constantly getting nerfed or f'd up you can't have a role any longer because it will only last until the next maintainence. I used to have a Ret Pally until Lich King and now I don't know what to be. Between trees getting shuffled (GEE THANKS ON THE UNHOLY DK BLIZZ), talents/spells getting removed/renamed and useless stuff getting put in as filler, I can't find roles for my characters any more so why would I need to respec when I can't spec the first time?Just my 2 copper worth. Maybe I'm half asleep and need some more caffeine but seems reasonable to me at the moment.
How the hell u get "easily" 2k gold per day ? plz tell me, i really need money so badly :)
Just for the sake of my 2 cents, I am very pleased with the cost. Let's see. 2 80 toons, all Icecrown and Hodir dailies open on them both... Hmmmmmmmmm... Let's see, that is over 1200g a day... yeah, I think I will get this on my 80 Hunter, 80 Shaman, and my 51 Paladin! ;)But in all seriousness people, if you don't want to spend the gold, then don't. If you want the epic ability to have two talent specs on your toon, then spend the 1k gold on it. Other wise, get to your dailies, mat farming, or w/e it is that some people do to make their money. 1000 gold is nothing to cry over when you spend 7k on a toon the moment they hit 77.Just throwing in my 2 cents.Tell me that I am wrong or w/e. I don't care. All I am saying is that I will thoroughly enjoy the new addition to the game that I love.