Map Size: 14476px X 10800px, 48” x 36" @ 300dpi.
Low Quality jpg 15mb (same as above but corrected) *UPDATED*Med Quality jpg 47mb *UPDATED*High Quality tif 470mb *UPDATED*EDIT 3: Here is the Info from the original post, since that one is pretty much dead.One Map to rule them all! I give you the The WoW Classic One Map. I know there have been many maps posted in the past on Reddit. Some good and some not so good. I sought to find a map that did it all and looked decent, but came up short. I did however stumbled upon the Brady Games WoW Azeroth map (originally released during the Vanilla days). Some heroes did the initial leg work of digitizing and scanning it, so I'm standing on their shoulders. Here it is, an improved and enhanced version the Brady Games WoW Azeroth map. There may still be some small errors present and discrepancies on locations/names of towns, flight hubs, etc. but I have tried to find and correct them all. It's much easier adding content to the map than removing it. Information was sourced various websites (wowhead, wowwiki, etc.) Some level ranges vary depending of the source. Changes and enhancements include:
-Updated and added flight paths and way points.
-Zone Level range
-Dungeons w/ level ranges
-Raids and World Bosses
-Green Dragons
-Points of Interest
-Other misc. edits to map
Original post. (You can ignore this link) Updated links to updated files, Thanks
Edit 2: I want to credit these two redditors here, as I did in the original post. i don't want them being hidden away because this post has gained more traction than my previous one.Major Credit to these heroes below for uploading the digital scans and editing them. Follow those links to the original post(s) where the unmodified version(s) still exist.
u/Symaxian - upload the original file. - Edited the scan*To the users mentioned above, if have misrepresented your involvement, I do apologize, and I will correct the info if you reach out to me. Thanks for your hard work.
Edit 4: I don't own this map, nor will make any claims to its ownership. All I have done is enhance and correct some information and I'm gifting the version I edited to the WoW community.
Edit 5: Wow, Literally wow! Thank so much for the gold and platinum. Never expected people to be so happy with this. This is very cool. Thanks r/classicwow**!**
Edit 6: Thanks for all the kind words, but I fear some people think I made this from scratch. I did not. All I have done is taken a previously scanned copy of the Brady Games and played around with it in Photoshop. I really did not want to mislead people about this.If you find glaringly obvious mistakes, please let me know. I'll do my best to correct them if possible/worth it. Adding content is much easier than removing content. The original base image map was not 100% perfect to start with.